Saturday, December 28, 2019
Technological Innovations During World War One - 1865 Words
How Significant were Technological Innovations during World War One? World War One brought a completely new form of warfare. Gone were the old ways of cavalry and slow firing bolt-action rifles. The war symbolised a change in the way we understand and fight wars. Leon Trotsky said that ‘War is the locomotive of history’. This was certainly true. The war was a catalyst for change. I am going to highlight three areas in which technological innovations made an impact – the development of submarines, the use of gas and the building of railways. I have chosen these three examples to demonstrate the different ways in which technological innovations affected the course of World War One. Gas had a huge psychological impact on the soldiers; submarines had a great economic impact, and the railways allowed the war to be fought on a vast scale never seen before. Significance can be understood in many different ways. I am going to understand significance by establishing criteria that will measure significance. These are – tactical, military, psychological, economic and social significances. I believe that the most important measure of significance in World War One is the social significance because in this war of attrition numbers killed was of great importance. The technological innovation of the submarine was most significant from an economic perspective because it was crucial in stopping the flow of supplies across the sea. The submarines’ impact was felt both during the war, butShow MoreRelatedMilitary Capability During Peacetime Innovation1397 Words  | 6 Pages Resources, accurate innovation, political support, and privatized development are four crucial factors for enhancing military capability during peacetime innovation. Therefore, countries that effectively manage internal resources, and are funded through political support will often be at the forefront of military development. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
Agent Orange Medical Ethics - 1657 Words
Motivation: Throughout the past Forty years the Vietnam war and it’s after effects have shaped and changed so many individuals and their lives. I will expose a deeper look at what actually occurred during the war and most importantly what actually caused the millions and millions of lives; both Vietnamese, Japanese, and American. Problem statement: With war comes after effects and throughout the past Forty years many American Veterans from Vietnam have had health complications and issues due to the widespread use of Agent Orange during the duration of the war, especially at base camps. These ailments, cancers, and diseases can be traced back to a series of Chemical Defoliates or herbicides that have left traces of Dioxin with whoever or wherever it once was used or sprayed. Conclusions: For all of these Veterans affected by this chemical unknowingly deserve restitution and better yet compensation for their medical issues and bills. Agent Orange: Medical Ethics Agent Orange was widely used throughout the entire Vietnam war by Anti-Communist forces. In 1962, 85% of the food sources in Vietnam were targeted to be sprayed with Agent Orange from the air. Helicopters and planes were used in order to do aerial drops consistently and easily. On top of the use of Agent Orange on the forests of Vietnam, United States military bases used this herbicide daily if not weekly in order to keep the lands on the bases clean and low amounts to no vegetation on the bases. Many UnitedShow MoreRelatedVietnam War Terms1357 Words  | 5 Pagesthree branches of government should always be equal in power. ID: Operation Rolling Thunder was around the clock bombing of both North and South Vietnam, in hopes to cripple to Vietcong supply lines. Bombs such as cluster bombs, napalm, and Agent Orange were used. Sig: Operation Rolling Thunder did not work. Bombs were dropped on anything imaginable, but that did not deter the Vietcong from gaining independence. The only effect that Operation Rolling Thunder had was on American allies. FirstlyRead MoreDo I Choose Life Or Death My Unborn Baby?1406 Words  | 6 Pagesno control of, yet we pray to God to even become pregnant or bless the baby to be just healthy. In the world today, many women experience suffrage, with childbearing. The internal emotions fall to the wayside without the acknowledgment from other medical doctors to assist, with pain and healing within. A woman blessed with the chance to bring life into the world, and then right before her eyes, life simultaneously changes because of a health dilemma. Then the test of choices become a life or deathRead MoreSusan Finally Gets Pregnant With Down Syndrome Essay1650 Words  | 7 Pagesno control of, yet we pray to God to even become pregnant or bless the baby to be just healthy. 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When released into a field that has been dusted with the deadly herbicide, this bacterium uses agent orange as its sole source of energy. Capable of reducing the presence of 2,4,5-T from 10,000 - 20,000 parts per million to 15 - 20 or less parts per million, this bacterium has the ability to renderRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?2233 Words  | 9 Pagesand esteemed scholar associated with the conservative Hoover Institution has claimed that the legalization and taxation of marijuana would be highly financially beneficial to the country (Cohen, 2009). This makes me think of a sociological shift in ethics. It seems that the religiously controlled roots of Weber s capitalism have given way to the Marxist economical roots. I think that this undertone may also be a reason why marijuana has not yet been made legal. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Digital Signature free essay sample
A digital signature is an electronic signature that can be used to authenticate the identity of the sender of a message or the signer of a document, and possibly to ensure that the original content of the message or document that has been sent is unchanged. Why use certificate signatures? Many business transactions, including financial, legal, and other regulated transactions, require high assurance when signing documents. When documents are distributed electronically, it is important that recipients can: * Verify document authenticity – confirming the identity of each person who signed the document * Verify document integrity – confirming that the document has not been altered in transit Certificate-based signatures provide both of these security services. Many businesses and governments have chosen to set up a certificate-based digital signature infrastructure within their organization – using third party certificate authorities to provide independent identity validation. Examples include: * Pharmaceutical companies who need to use signatures that comply with the SAFE (Signatures amp; Authentication For Everyone) BioPharma industry standard * Companies in the European Union who need to comply with the ETSI PAdES standard (PDF Advanced Electronic Signatures) Other reasons why more and more organizations choose to use this type of digital signatures include: 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Digital Signature or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Saving money. The electronic signing method eliminates the cost of paper, printing, and courier services. 2. Document integrity. Organizations that publish/release any kind of PDF material on the internet can now be assured that the PDF documents will not be modified in any way to alter the organization’s brand or credibility. 3. Work efficiency. Handling a document electronically (clicking a button or entering a password) is way faster than circulating it through interoffice mail or courier. A digital signature scheme typically consists of three algorithms: * A key generation algorithm that selects a private key uniformly at random from a set of possible private keys. The algorithm outputs the private key and a corresponding public key. A signing algorithm that, given a message and a private key, produces a signature. * A signature verifying algorithm that, given a message, public key and a signature, either accepts or rejects the messages claim to authenticity. Two main properties are required: 1. a signature generated from a fixed message and fixed private key should verify the authenticity of that m essage by using the corresponding public key. 2. it should be computationally infeasible to generate a valid signature for a party who does not possess the private key. H User A’s machine digests the data into a simple string of code after user A’s software has encrypted the message digest with his private key. The result is the digital signature. User A’s software then appends the digital signature to document. All of the data that was hashed has been signed. User A then passes the digitally signed document to user B. First user B’s software decrypts the signature, using User A’s public key then changing it back into a message digest. After the decryption if it has decrypted the data to digest level then verifies that user A in fact did sign the data. To stop fraud certificate authorities have been introduced. Certificate authorities can sign User A’s public key, ensuring that no one else uses Bobs information or impersonated his key. If a user is uncertain of the digital signature it is possible to verify the digital signature with the certificate authority. Signatures can also be revoked if they are abused or if it is suspected that they are abused. When a digital signature is compromised the user that suspects that the certificate is compromised should report the incident to the certificate authority.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Development European Online News And Music -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Development European Online News And Music? Answer: Introduction Online to offline (O2O) business is a strategy that uses online advertising and marketing approaches to identify potential clients, create awareness of services and products and finally lure the customer to visit the physical store to buy the goods and services (Del, 2013). This model comprises of four components content management, order management, customer service and Break Bulk deliveries to B2C (Business to Customer) (Swatman, 2009). In this paper we apply all this components on the development of an ice cream parlor in MMU. Content Management The developers of the online platform for the ice cream parlor in MMU must ensure that the content is attractive and good. The following must be put into action to ensure this: Developing a product review platform on the website This will give the customers a platform to express how they felt about the ice cream and services offered by MMU ice cream parlor. In this case customers will act as the advocates of the business thus the best way to get the ice cream validated by a third party (Ribbik, 2014). Ensuring quality images Anybody who buys goods online views their pictures first (Shen, 2014), thus MMU ice cream parlor must ensure quality pictures of their ice cream are taken. The pictures should be clear and show some of the customers eating and enjoying their ice cream. Developing an easy payment process The checkout page is the final stop for peoples shopping journey (Choi, 2008). The design must be in a way that payment is clearly shown and as easy as it can be. If possible, several payment processes should be employed and clearly displayed. Ensuring quality design Many online customers base their opinion on the websites overall design (Laudon, 2013). The MMU ice cream parlor website should be professionally designed to give it a high rating on customer opinion thus translate to increased sales. Order Management An efficient ordering online system should be ensured by the parlor through the following ways: The website must be fast and efficient MMU ice cream parlor must ensure that their site is optimized for mobile web browsers and at least implement an efficient and fast mobile app. This will ensure customers spend less time ordering for their goods thus maintain them because most of the online visitors will abandon their orders if the site requires more time to place orders. Retaining customer database The website should be designed in a way that a customer can be able to trace their previous orders easily thus when making a similar order they just click a few buttons (Nishii, 2008). Streamlining the pickup process The pickup process after orders have been made online should be made quick and easy. The customer should just present their receipt and the parlor and get their ice cream in time. Customer Service Good customer service means should be created and maintained by every business (Law, 2010).. MMU ice cream parlor should consider the following in ensuring this: Know the product well MMU ice cream parlor should ensure all its customer facing staff know the product well and beware of the most common questions that customers ask. This will help them articulate well the answers the customers require. Be friendly at all times The company should train its staff to be friendly to customers, every conversation should start with a smile and a warm greeting. If the customers call they should be addressed in a friendly way. After every service the staff should learn to say thank you. Be responsive MMU ice cream parlor staff should ensure they respond as quickly as possible to all enquiries made by customers. This will boost customer confidence thus translate to improved sales. Break Bulk Deliveries To B2c Break bulk are goods that must be loaded individually and in this case delivered to the end user (the customer) (Mikurak, 2012). The company should embrace the following in ensuring efficient delivery of its products: Secure delivery The ice cream delivery equipment and vehicles should be licensed to ensure compensation incase of any accident during delivery. Fast delivery MMU ice cream parlor should ensure that their ice cream is delivered on time to the customers, this will boost customer confidence in their services. Reliable Each time delivery is promised the companys reputation is put in the line (Rogg, 2009), thus the parlor should ensure they employ delivery mechanisms that are highly reliable. The company should come up with package tracking through the internet. Professional appearance The appearance of drivers, staff and ice cream tracks reflects on the business. The delivery vehicles should be clean and the staff should maintain a neat appearance. Conclusion The MMU ice cream Parlor must consider the ideas discussed above to ensure that it grows its customer base. Above everything else the goods, they produce must be up to standard and constant improvement ensured depending on the ever-changing customer preferences. References Del Real, A. E. (2013). U.S. Patent No. 8,353,012. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Law, R., Qi, S., Buhalis, D. (2010). Progress in tourism management: A review of website evaluation in tourism research. Tourism management, 31(3), 297-313. Mikurak, M. G. (2012). U.S. Patent No. 8,271,336. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Shen, C., Wang, Y. (2014). Online to offline business model. Laudon, K. C., Traver, C. G. 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