Saturday, August 31, 2019
Douglas Stuart and Gordon Essay
People may believe that they do not need any hermeneutical training, but a general reading of the book How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth by Fee and Stuart is essential for Christians who have any inclination towards scripture. The guidelines and rules outlined in the book are very good and some of them are very well developed from the point of view of interpreting and understanding scripture. For the Bible student and the inquiry seekers, the book is an excellent tool for teaching. Douglas Stuart and Gordon Fee have displayed their competencies in making the interpretation of the principles of the Bible available to present day readers. While Gordon Fee is an Old Testament scholar, Douglas Stuart is a student of the New Testament and they have covered in the book matters relating to translations, the legendry genres of poetry, parable, narratives and epistles and the meanings conveyed in the writings that were presented to their original audiences. The authors have shown how the right interpretations require different ways of exegesis as per the literary texts being studied in terms of Wisdom, Apocalypse, law and Wisdom. When considering New Testament Epistles, it is realized upon reading the book that the authors have given excellent advices in saying that the book should be treated as letters. This implies that individuals must read the book several times just as they would read letters from their close ones and then try to understand the meaning conveyed in them. It is very important to understand that the text aims at revealing the concept that the book was written to address a specific audience in order to make them understand the intricacies of Christianity. It is not possible for a reader to be extra subjective in trying to apply the different passages from the scripture to his or her own life particularly when a specific passage does not connote the meaning as believed by the reader. The book has lot of positive components and attributes that make it an excellent piece of reading. It effectively describes the complication and difficulty faced in translation and provides general principles and rules of effective interpretation. It endorses the consideration of the cultural and historical perspective and observes the writing styles and genres used in the books, and also suggests being cautious against any kind of misinterpretations. The authors have presented an easy to understand style which brings forth the art of biblical interpretations within the reach of the normal human being in a way that make the study of the Bible very rewarding and interesting. The book provides recommendation for the use of bible translations, concordances and dictionaries as facilitation to the studies. The back cover has clearly explained about the book, â€Å"In clear, simple language, it helps you accurately understand the different parts of the Bibleâ€â€their meaning for ancient audiences and their implications for you todayâ€â€so you can uncover the inexhaustible worth that is in God’s Word. †The authors have exhibited certain negative attributes especially in regard to some specific viewpoints which every reader may not agree with. For example, the material available in Acts and the Epistles was more relevant during the days when the texts were written and is considered a much lesser positive aspect in the viewpoint of King James and New King James Bible. The present day international version of the Bible is known to be much influenced by feminism while the translation versions of the Bible, especially the English Standard Version, are not much influenced by feminism. This is considered as being more sought after as the Dynamic Equivalence way of translation. Some scholars have come to believe that all hermeneutic theories have not been adequately dealt with by the authors. Since one of the authors is said to be an associate of the Assemblies of God Church, he has made some critics to point that the hermeneutics have been presented in his style. There have been several allegations of the flow of content being difficult while the style of writing has not been up to the mark. How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth guides the reader in a way that he or she can handle the Scripture in a better way, and teaches how misinterpretations can be avoided by using the context properly. The entire book emphasizes the importance of holistic reading of passages as per the over all substance of Scripture. Quirky doctrines and bad exegesis are the result of instances when passage and biblical statements are taken out from the theological, historical or cultural contexts and focused on aspects that are away from the whole of the revelation. In this context the introduction in the books has aptly explained that, â€Å"The aim of good interpretation is not uniqueness; one is not trying to discover what no one else has ever seen before. Interpretation that aims at, or thrives on, uniqueness can usually be attributed to pride (an attempt to ‘out clever’ the rest of the world), a false understanding of spirituality (wherein the Bible is full of deeply buried truths waiting to be mined by the spiritually sensitive person with special insight), or vested interests (the need to support a theological bias, especially dealing with texts that seem to go against that bias). †It is realized that the authors have made powerful points when one tries to understand the historic tests of the Old and New Testaments. They firstly make a case in favour of reading these books in order to see the activities of God in the matters pertaining to His Church and Israel. Hence these books are better understood if they are divided into separate sections that should be read as a successive account of deliverance history. Additionally the authors have warned that the passages should not be decontextualized and allegorized since such actions become tempting while reading historical narratives which do not appear to have much spiritual and theological importance. Significant points have been made by the authors in enhancing the awareness of the gospels. It is initially affirmed that some knowledge of the historical texts is important and crucial and that one is at a disadvantage if he or she is not conversant with Mediterranean culture of the 1st century. Secondly, it helps to read accounts of similar gospels and understand the minor differences which can enhance the understanding in regard to the audiences that the gospels intend to address and the kind of message that the authors are aiming to convey in those instances. It is established in the entire book that, as a rule, one must think and read in paragraph form to make the best and most meaningful use of the books. The treatment of the legal books of Hebrews is very impressive. The authors make a strong point that the given laws were specified for Israel in order to make them get benefits by understanding and applying them to the Israeli people. This point is considered valid by the authors but they also point out that there needs to be a precise way of teaching that the law did not emphasize upon. Moreover, the New Testament is no longer binding on the people today and is not considered by the authors as a strong argument. The laws that condemned rape, incest, homosexuality and bestiality were not specifically stated by Jesus, but they are believed to be true and applicable today also. The book is concluded in dealing with revelation, wisdom literature and psalms. However there is nothing new or revolutionary in these narrations which include strong and sound advice in regard to some negligible points of contention. Although the book cannot be considered exhaustive as a guide it is undoubtedly the best in enabling the understanding and reading of the Scripture. In essence, the book has aptly demonstrated how the Bible should be read theologically through the eyes of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ instead of the overtly idealistic and literalistic methods. Bible reading is revealed as being not only informative but also resulting in the positive transformation of human beings. Bibliography Fee Gordon D and Stuart Douglas, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth, 2003, Zondervan
Friday, August 30, 2019
The Role of the Actor in the Industry
There is not one precise route to becoming an actor but there is a common direction most aspirant actors take. Training for an actor can be acquired in numerous ways. An actor could be trained academically, through studio schools or through pure experience. The young actors’ career will undoubtedly begin with pure experience through small scale performances. The small scale performances could take place through school, outside social clubs or other children’s associations.To begin the larger scale experiences, the hopeful actor would customarily attempt to be represented by an agent. Gaining an agent at such an early stage in the actors’ career is rather difficult. Therefore, joining an organisation such as The Spotlight is habitually the route actors take. The Spotlight is a small organisation with a massive output. It is the hub of the industry where you advertise yourself, whether you have an agent or not. It is essential that you are in it – it is the first port of call for virtually everybody who is casting productions.(Dunmore, 1991, p. 35). In this research explains the necessity of being involved in The Spotlight organisation. It is explained as the ‘hub’ for getting jobs in the entire industry and is used by thousands of actors. Although the propaganda and necessity surrounding The Spotlight is endearing and unquestionably crucial, the cost behind it is another obstacle for ambitious actors. The academic training is the route most commonly followed as a start to the more professional acting career.The cost of studying in drama school is a very prevalent issue around Britain, especially due to the recently ascending expenses. Places such as ALRA, Arts Ed, Guildford School of Acting, Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts and Oxford School of Drama are only a small amount of the most popular schools around Britain. These particular schools offer Dance and Drama Awards to selected students. D&DAs are scholarships provid ed by the government to allow ‘the most talented students to attend independent Drama Schools.The D&DAs are usually offered to a small amount of students who would benefit from the training but cannot afford to pay the fees. (West, 2005, p. 11). Most actors will save up for years or be lucky enough to have a wealthy family willing to pay for the tuition fees. If not so lucky, an actor could write to an organisation/person to ask them to sponsor the actor through Drama College, providing the answer is positive the actor has received his tuition fees through being sponsored.Once the young actor has completed the training necessary, it is ordinarily required to obtain an agent. This is not essential, however â€Å"Once you’ve got a little bit of experience under your belt you’re ready to secure representation. It is not necessary for you to have an agent but an agent will offer you more opportunities than what you may have without one. †Westbrook (2012, p. 1 34). Gaining an agent, as stated previously is rather difficult to do.The actor could possibly send a letter to the agent asking the agent to represent the actor. This must be fulfilled once the agent is accepting unsolicited submissions. Other than writing a letter, the actor must make sure the agent sees the actor performing in a production and suggests an amalgamation. However, alas to common misconception the agent does not fulfil all of the work for the actor, the agent can only get auditions for the actor while the actor must get to the audition and obtain the part.An actor must be willing to deal with rejection, contrary to the popular stereotype of the ‘overnight celebrity’, an actor can struggle for years to break into the industry and never be noticed. The performer, like any other professional needs to put money aside to plan ahead for a successful career. The best way to proceed is to be able to devote yourself totally to the task of getting interviews and j obs without worrying about supporting yourself for at least the first six months. Once you’ve arrived and had a chance to unpack you can pay attention to the real task, which is getting a job. (Henry and Rogers, 2008 p. 35).As clearly stated the main aspects in the path to becoming an actor is financial issues, due to the low employment level a lot of aspiring actors’ struggle for money and end up working more than one job to fund their career path. Harrop (1992, p. 26) exclaims, â€Å"For every Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor, there are a hundred actors in line at the unemployment office, and a hundred more waiting to stand and serve them in any restaurant in which they might want to sit down.†This investigation shows that in the acting business there are immense amounts of unemployed actors contrasted to the amount of employed actors, meaning the amount of actors working more than one job to fund their dream is vast in this particular industry. The pres sure on a working actor trying to succeed and keeping a foot in the door for a steady income can be highly stressful; actors usually find it hard to find time to keep up with everyday work (rehearsals, filming, learning lines) and finding time to work enough to afford food, rent and even travel.For this reason many unemployed actors find it difficult to pursue the dream of becoming an actor and afford to live their everyday life, â€Å"Having to contend with the pressures of rehearsal, production and performance while at the same time worrying about whether you’ll have enough money to pay the rent is worse than foolish†Henry and Rogers (2008, p. 10) which in turn results in them abandoning the actor’s aspirations. However, those lucky enough to achieve a desired income and a steady place in the acting business can come with a price.The criticism received with such fame can be discouraging, this is indicated in the study by Harrop (1992, p. 106), â€Å"The very worst kind of criticism is that written for the critic’s ego as an essay in dismissively clever language with no positive consciousness of the actor, who has to go out there and put him- or herself on the line. Such criticism can be personally destructive. †This quote shows that criticism can negatively affect an actor and their career; actors need a certain level of confidence to contain the ability to comfortably audition for roles and perform in front of an audience.Critical comments such as these can seriously harm an actor’s self-confidence. This shows the criticism such as personal stories or personal criticism (an actor’s lives, image or relationships) can be insensitive, embarrassing and can cause more harm than anticipated. Some personal stories in magazine articles and newspaper articles, surrounding a more famous actors’ relationship suggests that certain articles written about celebrities can be untrue and exaggerated, in regular cases such as this, actors’ lives and relationships can be used as a selling point.This can be mentally harmful to an actor and as seen below can affect their personal lives. Winona Ryder in Meikle (2004, p. 123) â€Å"I remember us desperately hating being hounded by paparazzi. It was horrible and it certainly took its toll on our relationship. Every day, we heard that we were either cheating on each other or that we were broken up, when we weren’t. †This research, surrounding an actor’s relationship suggests in regular cases such as this, actors’ lives and relationships can be used as a selling point and these stories can be untrue or exaggerated.This can be mentally harmful to an actor as seen in the quote above. Harrop (1992, p. 106) demonstrates â€Å"critics will have their own gaze, their own agendas: to establish their own careers; to sell news-papers†. Although the frequency of coverage aimed at a particular actor is damaging to their r eputation it can also highlight many other personal issues within the actor. Though it is not possible to ascertain the media as the fixed cause for raising psychological issues in an actor, existing research and media content still persists to support such a statement.To reiterate, the actors role in the industry is beyond simply learning lines and taking guidance from a director, the individual must have ‘creative instincts’ and unquestionably be determined to succeed, even when the media is always standing by to scrutinise their every move. When the dream of becoming an actor and securing the place in the business has come true more problems arise, in any profession, at any age a person will find that when aiming to be the professional desired, one will face hurdles and dream of reaching that goal and living ‘an easy life’.However, even when the goal is reached there will always be obstacles surrounding the role of the actor. â€Å"Many talented actors don’t succeed in show business because they simply forget the first rule: Show business is a business. †Garrison (2002, p. 1). If the actor has hunger and fortitude for acting, these hurdles will simply pass them by. Passion is the main ingredient to becoming an actor, if the actor has enough willpower for the occupation, the actor will strive to overcome all challenges to achieve this goal. ï » ¿The Role of the Actor in the Industry There is not one precise route to becoming an actor but there is a common direction most aspirant actors take. Training for an actor can be acquired in numerous ways. An actor could be trained academically, through studio schools or through pure experience. The young actors’ career will undoubtedly begin with pure experience through small scale performances. The small scale performances could take place through school, outside social clubs or other children’s associations.To begin the larger scale experiences, the hopeful actor would customarily attempt to be represented by an agent. Gaining an agent at such an early stage in the actors’ career is rather difficult. Therefore, joining an organisation such as The Spotlight is habitually the route actors take. The Spotlight is a small organisation with a massive output. It is the hub of the industry where you advertise yourself, whether you have an agent or not. It is essential that you are in it – it is the first port of call for virtually everybody who is casting productions. (Dunmore, 1991, p. 35).In this research explains the necessity of being involved in The Spotlight organisation. It is explained as the ‘hub’ for getting jobs in the entire industry and is used by thousands of actors. Although the propaganda and necessity surrounding The Spotlight is endearing and unquestionably crucial, the cost behind it is another obstacle for ambitious actors. The academic training is the route most commonly followed as a start to the more professional acting career.The cost of studying in drama school is a very prevalent issue around Britain, especially due to the recently ascending expenses. Places such as ALRA, Arts Ed, Guildford School of Acting, Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts and Oxford School of Drama are only a small amount of the most popular schools around Britain. These particular schools offer Dance and Drama Awards to selected students. D&DAs are scholarships pro vided by the government to allow ‘the most talented students to attend independent Drama Schools.The D&DAs are usually offered to a small amount of students who would benefit from the training but cannot afford to pay the fees. (West, 2005, p. 11). Most actors will save up for years or be lucky enough to have a wealthy family willing to pay for the tuition fees. If not so lucky, an actor could write to an organisation/person to ask them to sponsor the actor through Drama College, providing the answer is positive the actor has received his tuition fees through being sponsored.Once the young actor has completed the training necessary, it is ordinarily required to obtain an agent. This is not essential, however â€Å"Once you’ve got a little bit of experience under your belt you’re ready to secure representation. It is not necessary for you to have an agent but an agent will offer you more opportunities than what you may have without one. †Westbrook (2012, p . 134). Gaining an agent, as stated previously is rather difficult to do.The actor could possibly send a letter to the agent asking the agent to represent the actor. This must be fulfilled once the agent is accepting unsolicited submissions. Other than writing a letter, the actor must make sure the agent sees the actor performing in a production and suggests an amalgamation. However, alas to common misconception the agent does not fulfil all of the work for the actor, the agent can only get auditions for the actor while the actor must get to the audition and obtain the part.An actor must be willing to deal with rejection, contrary to the popular stereotype of the ‘overnight celebrity’, an actor can struggle for years to break into the industry and never be noticed. The performer, like any other professional needs to put money aside to plan ahead for a successful career. The best way to proceed is to be able to devote yourself totally to the task of getting interviews an d jobs without worrying about supporting yourself for at least the first six months.Once you’ve arrived and had a chance to unpack you can pay attention to the real task, which is getting a job. (Henry and Rogers, 2008 p. 35). As clearly stated the main aspects in the path to becoming an actor is financial issues, due to the low employment level a lot of aspiring actors’ struggle for money and end up working more than one job to fund their career path. Harrop (1992, p. 26) exclaims, â€Å"For every Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor, there are a hundred actors in line at the unemployment office, and a hundred more waiting to stand and serve them in any restaurant in which they might want to sit down.†This investigation shows that in the acting business there are immense amounts of unemployed actors contrasted to the amount of employed actors, meaning the amount of actors working more than one job to fund their dream is vast in this particular industry. The p ressure on a working actor trying to succeed and keeping a foot in the door for a steady income can be highly stressful; actors usually find it hard to find time to keep up with everyday work (rehearsals, filming, learning lines) and finding time to work enough to afford food, rent and even travel.For this reason many unemployed actors find it difficult to pursue the dream of becoming an actor and afford to live their everyday life, â€Å"Having to contend with the pressures of rehearsal, production and performance while at the same time worrying about whether you’ll have enough money to pay the rent is worse than foolish†Henry and Rogers (2008, p. 10) which in turn results in them abandoning the actor’s aspirations. However, those lucky enough to achieve a desired income and a steady place in the acting business can come with a price.The criticism received with such fame can be discouraging, this is indicated in the study by Harrop (1992, p. 106), â€Å"The v ery worst kind of criticism is that written for the critic’s ego as an essay in dismissively clever language with no positive consciousness of the actor, who has to go out there and put him- or herself on the line. Such criticism can be personally destructive. †This quote shows that criticism can negatively affect an actor and their career; actors need a certain level of confidence to contain the ability to comfortably audition for roles and perform in front of an audience.Critical comments such as these can seriously harm an actor’s self-confidence. This shows the criticism such as personal stories or personal criticism (an actor’s lives, image or relationships) can be insensitive, embarrassing and can cause more harm than anticipated. Some personal stories in magazine articles and newspaper articles, surrounding a more famous actors’ relationship suggests that certain articles written about celebrities can be untrue and exaggerated, in regular ca ses such as this, actors’ lives and relationships can be used as a selling point.This can be mentally harmful to an actor and as seen below can affect their personal lives. Winona Ryder in Meikle (2004, p. 123) â€Å"I remember us desperately hating being hounded by paparazzi. It was horrible and it certainly took its toll on our relationship. Every day, we heard that we were either cheating on each other or that we were broken up, when we weren’t. †This research, surrounding an actor’s relationship suggests in regular cases such as this, actors’ lives and relationships can be used as a selling point and these stories can be untrue or exaggerated.This can be mentally harmful to an actor as seen in the quote above. Harrop (1992, p. 106) demonstrates â€Å"critics will have their own gaze, their own agendas: to establish their own careers; to sell news-papers†. Although the frequency of coverage aimed at a particular actor is damaging to thei r reputation it can also highlight many other personal issues within the actor. Though it is not possible to ascertain the media as the fixed cause for raising psychological issues in an actor, existing research and media content still persists to support such a statement.To reiterate, the actors role in the industry is beyond simply learning lines and taking guidance from a director, the individual must have ‘creative instincts’ and unquestionably be determined to succeed, even when the media is always standing by to scrutinise their every move. When the dream of becoming an actor and securing the place in the business has come true more problems arise, in any profession, at any age a person will find that when aiming to be the professional desired, one will face hurdles and dream of reaching that goal and living ‘an easy life’.However, even when the goal is reached there will always be obstacles surrounding the role of the actor. â€Å"Many talented acto rs don’t succeed in show business because they simply forget the first rule: Show business is a business. †Garrison (2002, p. 1). If the actor has hunger and fortitude for acting, these hurdles will simply pass them by. Passion is the main ingredient to becoming an actor, if the actor has enough willpower for the occupation, the actor will strive to overcome all challenges to achieve this goal.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Watson's Theory of Caring in Modern Healthcare Setting Essay
Watson's Theory of Caring in Modern Healthcare Setting - Essay Example At this juncture, Jean Watson’s ‘Theory of Human Caring’ seems to be a vital tool for meeting the objectives of current day nursing practices. Jean Watson Jean Watson was born at West Virginia in United States. She got her graduation from the Lewis Gale School of Nursing in 1961 and earned a B.S. in 1964 from the University of Colorado. After two years of study, Watson acquired an M.S. in psychiatric and mental health nursing from the same university. In 1973, she earned a Ph.D. after completing a series of researches in the field of educational psychology and counseling. Watson focused her researches in the area of human caring and loss and published the theory â€Å"nursing: human science and human care†in 1988. An Overview of the Theory The theory of human caring proposes that caring is the ‘most valuable attribute’ that the nurses has to serve up the humanity (The core concepts of Jean Watson’s theory). In the opinion of the theoris t, if patients do not get effective caring, disease may be cured but illness will remain. Watson strongly argues that caring is the essence of nursing without which patients’ health cannot be retained. The theory suggests that caring greatly helps a person to attain control, to become more knowledgeable, and thus enhance his/her health. Watson also suggests that higher emphasis must be given on patients’ autonomy and freedom of choice, which in turn would add to client self knowledge and self control. According to Blais, Hayes, Kozier, and Erb (2006, p.107), the transpersonal caring relationship, caring occasion, and ten carative factors constitute the elements of Jean Watson’s theory of human caring. Watson’s ‘The ten primary carative’ are; The formation of humanistic-altruistic system of values. The installation of faith-hope. The cultivation of sensitivity to one’s self and to others. The development of a helping-trust relationship. The promotion and acceptance of the expression of positive and negative feelings. The systematic use of the scientific problem-solving method for decision making. The promotion of interpersonal teaching-learning. The provision for a supportive, protective and /or corrective mental, physical, socio-cultural and spiritual environment Assistance with the gratification of human needs. The allowance for existential-phenomenological forces. (Source: ‘Jean Watson’s Philosophy of Nursing’). The first three carative factors represent a well structured philosophical foundation for the science of caring. The remaining seven carative factors emerge from the foundation established by the first three factors. This theory has seven assumptions also. According to Watson (2006), the essence of these assumptions is that caring is the central element of nursing and it must be practiced interpersonally in order to acquire the desired results. The carative factors constitute the con cept of caring and hence it meets the satisfaction of certain human needs. Watson says that the science of caring is complementary to the science of curing or caring is more healthogenic than is curing. In her theory, Watson has clearly classified various human needs according to its nature and importance. She believes that each human need must be equally considered in order to maintain a quality nursing care that promotes optimal health. Watson’s ordering of needs is of three types such as biophysical needs, psychophysical needs, and psychosocial needs. The biophysical needs (lower order needs) include need for food and fluid, elimination, and ventilation. At the same
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Tell the Admission Committee about one thing in your personal or Essay
Tell the Admission Committee about one thing in your personal or professional life for which you have a great deal of passion - Essay Example Within my personal perspective, however, passion is a word that can be related only to interpersonal relationships. Perhaps the genesis of my passion is the fact that I’ve witnessed Korea emerging from a war-torn and divided country to become one of the leaders in international trade. The prospect of commerce being traded on a global scale entails interacting with people of varying backgrounds and cultures. The combination of global trade and global interactions on an interpersonal level holds a great deal of fascination for me. Every person is a complex entity whose perspectives regarding spirituality, self image, other groups of individuals, nature and all things included in life as we know it are as unique as snowflakes. Mentally bonding with other souls has given me a deep appreciation of the importance of human contact and has allowed me to grow as a person in ways that cannot be measured. Both long-term relationships and brief conversations in varying situations have shaped my personality as well as my view of my existence and the world in which I live. I often consider how much different I would be, my outlook on life altered and thought patterns dissimilar than to what they are presently if not for my passion for people. Certainly it has provided me a more tolerant viewpoint of other people’s culture and circumstances than I otherwise would have had. It has opened my mind to accept the vast diversities inherent in the human experience and accept the fact that everyone is on their own unique p ath of learning. Each path begins and ends in vastly dissimilar points with varying levels of knowledge and experiences contained within these paths. I have and will continue to learn from each person while I briefly cross their path with my own. Hopefully, they will benefit in some way from crossing mine as well. Progressing, or growing, socially, professionally and personally depends on the quality of
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
English Legal Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
English Legal Methods - Essay Example The most authoritative decision is the [1996] AC 563 as it is the House of Lord’s decision. The House of Lord is the highest court in England. The doctrine of judicial precedent states that the decisions of this court are binding on the lower courts. Question 3 [6 marks available in total] What were the facts giving rise to Mr R’s criminal trial and what was the outcome of that trial? Mr R had a relationship with the mother of four children. They gave birth to two children and the other two were from a previous marriage. The father was Mr H, and C was the eldest daughter, who alleged that in September 1993, Mr R had raped her continuously when she was between 7 and 8 years. This continued for over 5 years. Mr R was then charged with rape. He was tried in October 1994. The allegation involved four charges of rape. The main witness in this case was the daughter C. Mr R was consequently acquitted of the charges. Question 4 [6 marks available in total] At the hearing of thi s case at first instance what, in summary, were the two key conclusions the judge reached in respect of D1’s allegations against Mr R? The judge made the following conclusions. The first substantive issue was whether D1 was sexually abused. The judge averred that D1had proved, in her statement, the fact that there was abuse. Her story was consistent and factual. Mr. R had lied that he had never had an opportunity to be alone with any of the children, which was proved by D1 testimony. The judge felt that that D1’s allegations were true. He felt that the evidence presented by her and her statement in court was true. Mr. R had not rebutted these assertions by his evidence or his behavior in court. He felt that the allegations of abuse by D, which were true were based on presentation of evidence. He believed the evidence tendered by the girl was true. Her statement could also be reasonably suspected to be true Question 5 [4 marks available in total] Summarise the issues ce rtified for Their Lordships’ consideration in this case. The issues before the Lordships are three, and they are as follows. The first issue is the standard of proof, which is to be proved where an allegation has been made that a child will suffer significant harm under the second part of 31(2) (a) of the Children Act. The second issue is in relation to the requirement of proof of sexual abuse, which is the standard of proof being higher than the normal civil standard of balance of probability, but lower than the criminal standard of proof. There is a question as to whether the evidence needed to prove the charge needs to be based on the seriousness of the charge. This means that the more serious the charge, the more evidence one needs to prove their case as opposed to a question of proving on a balance of probability. The final issue is where an allegation is made that a considerable injury is likely to impact on the child. The question raised here is: should one prove the l ikelihood to suffer harm on a balance of probability or does the presence of a substantial risk suffice instead of a speculative future risk? Question 6 [8 marks available in total] Summarise the submissions made before Their Lordships on behalf of: (a) The Local Authority (3marks) (b) The Guardian Ad Litem (2 marks) (c) The parents (3 marks) Submissions made on behalf of the Local Authority. The counsel submitted that the question of law to be addressed was on the
Monday, August 26, 2019
An Examination of American and British Representation of Women Essay
An Examination of American and British Representation of Women Throughout and After the Second World War - Essay Example So the government authorities collaborated with the industry, the media and womens associations in an effort to support them to join the workforce by telling women it was their partisan responsibility to go to work. But devotion was not the just an encouragement for the women that the War Manpower Commission used to draw in women into the labor force. A lot of employment plans used the idea of augmented economic success to draw women into the labor force. In reality, a number of posters went so far away to glamorize war employment, in addition to pressurize the significance of women functioning in non-traditional professions. This paper will look at the innovative part that women unspecified once the war started, the troubles that they face together within the home and on work, even including women after the world war two and the consequences that the war had on them. Trying to grasp the home front mutually as there was a war waging overseas was not a simple duty. Women were not just requested to complete the everyday jobs that were in general waiting for them, but they were told to go to job. Unexpectedly, their very personal lives were curved into a very open and nationalistic reason. The modifications that women experienced in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s would be sensed by the generations to come. Usually the women position was considered to be in the house. She was accountable for food preparation, cleaning, taking care of the kids and looking her best. So when the war busted out, it was obvious that the America would not be capable to succeed the war devoid of the aid of their women, the habitual housewife and mother turned out to be the â€Å"wartime worker.†1 Still a great deal of the misinformation of the time used touching plea corresponding with nationalism. Women were continuously being repeated that their hus bands, sons and brothers were at risk as they were not getting the provisions they required. Mottos for
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Prisoner's Dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Prisoner's Dilemma - Essay Example The states of nature with no organization structures within the civil society are defined by â€Å""solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short" (Binmore 56). Hobbes reaction of individuals in the society with no social institutions and with natural states is further backed by the â€Å"Prisoner’s Dilemma†which also defines the behavior of individuals in the society in its natural state. This theory is founded on the individualism powers in the society. According to the prisoner’s dilemma theory, everyone in the society is after achieving personal interest and thus more individualistic and self-fish. This makes the society less productive that it would have been had all the individual been willing to cooperate for the benefit of the society as a whole. A perfect example is that of ‘free rider’ in the society. Free rider problem is presented in case of public goods which are non-rival and non-excludability. Therefore, once provided, the cost of excludi ng others from consuming it would even be more expensive. This makes some people (free rider) to take advantage and consume the goods without paying to them, hence making the provision of such goods more costly (Binmore 59). According to Hobbes, the most preferred and rational states of nature in a civil society are cooperation and aversion of the natural societal state. Every society that breeds individualism ends up losing on its development course because of the self-seeking nature of the people in such society. According to Hobbes, individuals utilize their rational and natural impulse to engage in social contracts as a way of avoiding the fear brought about by the state of nature. This involves giving up on the right to self-governance. Self-right is traded for sovereign at the expense of the society. Sovereignty comes with authority and power that members of the society are expected to obey whether the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Soccer Injures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Soccer Injures - Essay Example analysis and assessment of the development of frameworks to address the incidence of sports-related injuries cannot be conducted successfully unless consensus on this issue is established (483). Overuse injuries in soccer or other athletic sports are classified by two elements – given the injury is characterized by a steady and measured onset and the occurrence of recurring microtrauma (Roos and Marshall 405). Evidence-based medicine comprises of the assessment of therapies which are supported by extensive research regarding their efficacy, usefulness and effectiveness with regards to rehabilitating individuals who have sustained an injury while playing soccer. References to high school athletes and college athletes have been conducted to distinguish between players who are representing their team on each level of academia. This distinction is important to distinguish between variability in statistics for each level of soccer participation. Professional athletes are individuals participating in any professional and recognized soccer league across Americas and Europe including Major League Soccer (MLS), Barclays Premier League and La Liga. The causes of soccer injuries such as concussions are defined as a direct collision or impact either on the head or any other part of the body as a consequence of which the resultant force is transported towards the brain whereby, the brain attracts the transmittal of the force towards it (Edwards and Bodle 128). These outcomes include negative impact on neurological activity, cognitive functioning, headaches, sleep-related issues, decline in level of concentration, reduction in attention span, changes in personality caused by irritability and psychological disorders including major depressive disorders (Edwards and Bodle 129-130). Soccer injuries negatively and adversely impact an individual’s physical and psychological wellbeing depending upon the nature of the injury or whether its sustained impacts are
American Military Occupation of Japan (1945-1952) Changed Japans Term Paper
American Military Occupation of Japan (1945-1952) Changed Japans Political Institutions And Processes - Term Paper Example Japanese people religiously believed that they were superior, but when they started to think that the Americans regarded them as inferior creatures, the conflict has intensified. The attack in Pearl Harbor in 1941 and the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 were the major violent charges happened between the U.S. and Japan. After the atomic bombings, Japan has accepted its defeat, and Emperor Hirohito requested his military forces to submit to General Douglas MacArthur being the appointed Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP) in Japan. The American conquerors occupied Japan from 1945-1952, and within these years, the relationship between the two countries was strengthened. In 1952, the Occupation authorities have returned Japan to the Japanese people; however, they make sure that Japanese leaders were already equipped with knowledge, dedication, and sincerity on their positions. Thus, they were already capable of bringing the country to success and not to demis e. Source: â€Å"Australia and Japan†Figure 1 illustrates the GDP of Japan after the American Occupation. It shows that Japan and the U.S. have equal footings in terms of GDP growth, but there is a reverse of growth on the 20th century. According to Hobbs and Dolan, â€Å"Japan’s special relationship with the United States boosted the economy long after the American occupation ended†(402). At present, the two countries are now very good friends and closest military allies. In fact, Prime Minister Naoto Kan said that the whole Japan is truly thankful for the U.S. unwavering support, and he further acknowledged the â€Å"importance of the U.S. military presence for the peace and security of the region†(Ito). The American people also felt... The Occupation has made Japan a strong democratic country and its basic objectives include the â€Å"abolition of militarism and ultra-national organizations in all forms; disarm and demilitarize Japan; strengthen democratic tendencies and processes in government†. When the Occupation started to dominate the country, the Westerners concluded that the change process would not be visible because people would not cooperate. However, Occupation authorities have been good to the Japanese people; in fact, they have been compassionate and did not abuse their power to show to them that they were not enemies, but friends who were willing to help. They have also emphasized that they could not enforce anything to Japan without their approval and support because democracy is all about freedom of expression. Thus, understanding, respect, and cooperation have been formed between the two countries. The American Military Occupation of Japan is very significant to the history of Japanese people, particularly to their political setting. Most of the reforms introduced during the Occupation are still intact until today; in fact, these are the reasons why Japan has become one of the most developed countries in the 20th century. Also, it helped Japanese leaders to regain the trust and confidence of their people, which was wasted during their surrender in 1945. Japan totally became a democratic country under the American conquerors, which had unlocked the gap between the two countries and became close allies in military and political matters. The Japanese people are very grateful to the American’s influence during the Occupation, and the American conquerors have appreciated the people’s willingness to accept their fate under their governance.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Hotel Chocolat's Stategic Choices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Hotel Chocolat's Stategic Choices - Essay Example Since its existence, Hotel Chocolat has been operating as a privately run company with active involvement of the co-founders. Moreover, it is an example for those chocolate shops that are willing to enter the retail sector of the confectionary industry; Hotel Chocolat grew from an online store to a luxury retail store in the year 2004. The uniqueness of the brand’s offerings lies in its level of authenticity and originality that is evident in every bite of its manufactured chocolate (Hotel Chocolat, 2013a). Presently, Hotel Chocolat has about seventy stores in UK, five in the US and Middle East. Hotel Chocolat portfolio comprises of various attractive products and businesses that shed light on its aggressive expansion strategy. A cacao based cuisine street food cafe is present at Borough Market in London that offers the customers a wide range of delicious items such as sweet and savoury wraps of cacao, genuine cocoa tea along with huge choices of small chocolate batches. In Sa int Lucia, there is the Boucan Restaurant which is presenting the customers with a complete experience of dining. The ambience is quite appealing for the visitors which are complemented with a healthy and light menu from cacao cuisine (Hurley, 2010; MarketingWeek, 2011). Hotel Chocolat is the pioneer brand in offering the ‘Chocolate Bonds’ for the expansion of the UK economy. These bonds were offered to its members of Chocolate Tasting Club who helped in raising fund of four million pounds. One of the best creations by the organisation is ‘London – Roast + Conch’; it is a venue that has been developed for roasting the bean in small batches and provide the customers an opportunity to view the process of chocolate making in front of their eyes (Cuddeford-Jones, 2012). In order to successfully fulfil the desires of the chocolate lovers, Hotel Chocolat has been offering the most diverse range of products and each one of them has a wide variety for select ion so that everyone can buy the chocolate and enjoy it to the utmost satisfaction level. Broadly, the products are categorised in six divisions such as Sleekster Selection, The Purist, Giant slabs, Selectors, Liquid Chocolat, Cocoa Juvenate Beauty, Luxury Box Chocolates and Small Little Things (Hotel Chocolat, 2013b). According to Taylor (2013), Hotel Chocolat reported a complete year profit-before-tax (PBT) of 84% which is about 5.4 million pounds. At the end of June 2012, the group sales accounted for 63.8 million pounds and EBITDA rose to 7.8 million pounds which was a rise by 41% when compared on year-on-year basis. UK Chocolate Industry Analysis In order to evaluate the strategic options that are available for a company in its industry, it is imperative for the concerned personnel to carry out its external and internal analysis (Day & Moorman, 2010). The external analysis reveals the macro-environmental factors that can impact the business performance in the long-run. Although an analysis of the competitors is mandatory but political, economic, social and legal situations can drastically impact the business operations (Brodie, 2009). Hotel Chocolat strategic analysis can be completed only when the macro-environmental factors are analysed extensively to properly identify the likely obstacles that can be encountered by it. According to KeyNote
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Why I Will Never Speed Again Essay Example for Free
Why I Will Never Speed Again Essay The most significant experience of my life would be what I am going through right now. I had gotten a car for Christmas from my parents that was 15 years old but is a very sporty little car that has a lot of life left in it. About a month after I got it, I had just been to see my girlfriend for a few minutes after work late one Friday night and was on my way home. While I was driving home, I was all alone in my car and there was not another car to be seen on the open highway and I wanted so bad to see how fast my car would go. So, not using my brain, I floored my car and took off flying! It felt absolutely amazing at that moment when I hit 100 miles per hour and kept right on going. It was so fantastic and such a rush until I got the scare of my life. All of a sudden I saw blue lights in my rear view mirror and went from elation to immediate fright. I was scared to death and knew I was caught. I was so nervous with butterflies in my stomach and thought I might even mess my pants! I knew then that all I could do now was to be as respectful as I could when the officer walked up to me. I was literally shaking, I was so scared. The officer was very nice about the whole thing, but he in fact clocked me at 112 in a 55 mile per hour zone. He informed me that he could very well arrest me and take me to jail right there on the spot. I was so thankful that he chose to call my parents instead. He did however issue me 2 misdemeanors and a date for court. My dad has a good friend that works for our local sheriffs office and my parents had my butt in his office first thing that following Monday morning and I got an awakening on what it is like to be locked up and got a really long lecture and lessons about how an automobile at that speed can be worse than any weapon. I never really thought before that a car can truly be a weapon, but when they got through with me, I completely understood how I could of not only put my own life in grave danger, but that I put other lives in danger as well. This could of cost me greatly, I could very well have gone to jail if not of even cost my own life or the life of an innocent person on the road that night. I could of lost my license completely and not been able to drive again for a long time, and the money for court and attorneys fees will no doubt cost my parents a great deal (which I have no doubt they will make me pay back). But in the meantime, I decided to make some of my own punishments and am working at least 10 or more hours per week doing voluntary community service at my local fire station. I have been working my tail off washing fire trucks, sweeping floors, washing garage doors, mopping, painting and on and on. I dont know yet what the true consequences will be out of all this, because I havent gone to court yet and faced the judge. But I do know that the second scariest thing, after seeing those blue lights behind me that night, will be facing that judge. I am truly scared and ashamed to face my actions. I can only hope that all the voluntary community service I am doing before that time comes will help the judge understand how bad I feel. I am sharing this story because I need others to realize that any automobile can easily be used as a weapon and has the potential to harm people. I want everyone to know, as I do now that the speed limits are there to protect lives and not just to keep us from having fun with our cars. And as for me, I have learned my lesson well and will not be speeding again.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
A Review On Internet Cafe Networks Information Technology Essay
A Review On Internet Cafe Networks Information Technology Essay This assignment is based on the network implementation of internet cafe which is based near the campus of University of East London. We have to design and implement a network and describe the Local Area Network and Wide Area Network management. We have to describe the cost effectiveness solutions with software and hardware we use in this network with justifications. Different layers will also be discussed at different stages in this assignment. Different IP schemes and other network suggestions will be discussed. This assignment also includes conclusion and references of the research used to build this assignment. Research method plays an important role in this assignment. Introduction to ARPANET: Advance Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) is the worlds first Network which gives Packet Switching and allows access over network widely. Packet switching helps in establishing a communication link. It was started in the mid 1968. It started through LAN. Phenomenon of Internet cafe: We have to work on internet cafe project which is close to University of East London. This cafe is exists on three floors, and we have to connect or share 75 computers in cost effective solutions. These all computers should be registered with the single IP address. OSI layers have to been defined at different stages on the network. TCP/IP systems relate to local area network and the internet. This network has to been defined using network layout diagram. Network Cost and specifications: This project of internet cafe would require 75 computers, 1 router, 4 switches, LAN cables and 3 printers. A normal computer specification should be: 1 GB RAM At least 2.1 GHZ processor (Intel or Atom) 150 GB hard disk 17 Display Standard USB keyboard Standard USB mouse CD/DVD ROM This is normal system specifications which could be used in internet cafe and can be easily used by the customer. Normally when computers are purchased in bulk for a computer lab or internet cafe system, loyalty discount is normally given by that provider. This specification would estimate cost around  £250  £300 as according to Currys or PC world. Dell computers are normally recommended and purchasing from DELL can be more cost effective. Router We also have to use a router. As this is internet cafe connection, so there should be powerful router connection which could enable more surfers to use internet more easily. There is a router which has recently been launched (EDIMAX BR-6574n Wireless Gigabit Router) this is really power and is available at Currys store for  £80. Apart from that, there are other NETGEAR routers as well which range starts from  £30. Switches We would also need at least 4 switches. Cisco switches are normally recommended by engineers. They are quite fast and comply with the requirement of network. It normally costs around  £100. Some Belkin and Netgear switches are cheaper as well. LAN cable We wo uld need LAN cables to make connections overall on the network to connect computers with switches and router. RJ-45 connector cable is used for this purpose. A 50 meter Ethernet LAN cable costs about  £5. The more length would be needed, more prices would be increased. Printers We can also add Printers to the network. It is essential in network computers to have a printer but it is not recommended or compulsory. Normally Printer ranges from  £40 that is all in one, which is better for home and office purposes as it includes Printer, Scanner and Copier. Implementation of Network: We have to work on internet cafe. Cafe has 3 floors and we have arranged 75 computers over three floors. We have to place 3 computers for server purpose. We can divide 25 computers on three floors and also 3 computers as server on third floor. To make a network local, we connect computers first using switch. On first floor, we will place 25 computers, and we have connected these 25 computers using Fibre cable for LAN (Local Area Network). Also we need 3 printers to share on three floors and we connect 1 printer on each floor. We connect all 25 computers and 1 printer with switch. This process has to be repeated on three floors, and then we have to connect them with router. Server computers will be connected with router directly but through switch. When server is directly connected with router, it enables firewall implementation and sharing among the network with secure authentication. LAN is used to connect computers within local area and make a network between them. We use this network in this case to connect computers within the same building. After connecting them through LAN cable, we connect them to Switch. HUB is also called concentrator or multi station access unit (MAU). A normal hub contains 8 to 24 ports for the computers and other devices. It works as a multiple port repeater. It receives a digital signal and re amplifies or regenerates that signal. It then forwards the digital signal to all ports on the hub without looking at any data. Switch is also used for the same purpose as hub but it is more intelligent device. It operates at data link layer of OSI model. The biggest benefit of using switches instead of hubs is that each switch port has its own collision domain. Switch plays really an important role in network. Once they are connected with hub or switch, they will be connected with ROUTER. ROUTER ROUTER is a device which connects multiple networks using similar or different protocols. It manages the route between any two communication networks. IP address will remain the same because there is just one router and it will supply access to all four switches. Each Switch which is having 25 computers and 1 printer on three floors and third one is also having server computers on it will connect with switch which will lead to router. Each computer will have different IP but their ISP will be one only as this will be provided by service provider. After three sets of 75 computers and three printers connected with Switch which is connected to router, after this process we connect one more switch with router which has 3 server computers on it. One server would be file server or printer server, and one would be DHCP/Authentication/Certification server and DNS server. This server system would help in file or printer sharing along the network to protect the computers with firewall option and also to provide certification to computers for different task over the network. OSI OSI stands for Open System Interconnection. It is a set of protocols that allows any two different systems to communicate regardless of their underlying architectures. This physical connection of router with switch and computers comes in Physical Layer of OSI model. Physical layer relates the electrical, optical, mechanical and functional interface to the cable as it defines how the cable is attached to the network adaptor card. Connection of computers with Switch includes Data Link Layer of OSI model. It sends data frames from network later to physical layer. Router is supplying single IP address, and each computer has different IP address. This concept involves Network Layer of OSI model which is responsible for putting data segments into packets. Transport layer works after Network Layer which is responsible segmenting data. It ensures that packets are delivered free of errors with no loss. For implementation of Network especially of Internet cafe, some softwares have also been recommended. Cyber cafe management and installation of networking protocols like IPX, SPX and TCP/IP. This thing comes in Session Layer. The main purpose of session layer is to establish a connection through application running on two different computers. Presentation layer and Application layer are after session layer. Presentation layer is used to determine the format of exchanging the data among network. Application layer handles network access, control the flow and recover errors. Addressing Scheme: Addressing scheme plays an important role in network. TCP/IP, IPv4, IPv6 are essentials of Network scheme. They are normally set to default but they can be changed according to the requirements. Each network system must be identified as unique. This is done through MAC address of device. Each machine always has different IP address on the network. TCP/IP is known as transmission control protocol/Internet protocol. It is a technology that is used to manage the transmission of data by breaking it into packets. These packets travel through router. TCP/IP addressing scheme is used in implementation of this network. This network scheme is normally used for sharing of computers over the network and gives them internet access. IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) addressing scheme is really important in a network. The most important aspect of IPv4 is its size. It is most widely organized internet layer protocol. It is a connectionless protocol used for packet switching link layer. IPv4 can establish more than 256 connections. Its range starts from 0 255. This connection is really helpful in internet cafe setup. Normally IPv4 is set to default which detects IP automatically, but we can define IPv4 manually as well which can be allocated. Manual configuration can change IP of the system for some purposes as well. Sub-netting plays an important role in networking. It is a subdivision of an IP network or when the network is divided into several small networks. It results in logical division of an IP address. Subnetting an IP can be done for the various reasons which generally include different physical media, address space, security, control network traffic etc. Subnetting makes it easier to manage the smaller network as well. Subnet masks are also used with IP. Computer performs a bitwise logical AND operation between the address and subnet mask in order to find the Network Address or number. The general syntax for Subnetting is There are generally three classes used for Subnet masks Class A: Class B: Class C: Calculations of Network Subnetting: We have to implement a network with single registered IP which is given by our service provider. This is known an IP address. The default subnet mask for this one would be We have to implement 4 networks and they should be provided with different IP addresses. We use the following steps to find out the network and host computers over the network and range as well We use 8 bits for binary written form. = 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 This is default Subnet of network We have to implement four networks in a network, so we will do with 4 in binary 2 4 2 2 0 1 0 4 Decimal = 100 binary We will take 3 bits as a result of binary conversion from bit scale. The bit scale helps in implementing a network more easily 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 We will take 3 bits for new subnet mask and new Subnet mask will be 11111111.11111111.11111111.11100000 This will be equal to Our new IP range will be This is our range of new 4 Networks made by Single registered IP. Network Layout Diagram: Analysis and Synthesis: This research is a conceptual base in which most of the prediction has also been used apart from research on different structures and equipments used in this setup. A concept has been taken from which shows the setup for the internet cafe. This is was quite helpful in equipment structure. This project has been designed to improve the performance of internet cafà © setup with compare to new technology as of library or lab network. Conclusion: This has been concluded from this project that it is reliable and secure network. It can easily give access to all the computers equally. There is less risk of virus spreading over the network as secure switches have been used which gives the high profile for Firewall and other activities. This project uses the latest technology routers and switches which enables the network to communicate more effectively. Also this project is cost effective, and it allows less cost to be spent over the network. Computers have been used with moderate specifications which are compatible to run over network properly.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Nike Nature Of The Business Marketing Essay
Nike Nature Of The Business Marketing Essay Nike Incorporation is the worlds leading sporting goods manufacturer. The company produces the sports goods all-encompassing: clothing, footwear, sports equipment and so on. The company headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon. Nike with its impressive performance impresses its founder; Bill Bowerman once said the sentence: As long as you have a body, you are world athletes, and Nike will continue to develop grow. Before the company became Nike, the original name of the company is Blue Ribbon Sports on January 25, 1964. The company then officially became Nike Inc. on May 30, 1978. Nike has been provided the best products to every athlete around the world. The language of movement is the Nike language. The company committed always to create every chance to show themselves after three years. Nike knows: The best products are only produced by the use of advanced technology. So, by the way, Nike put a lot of manpower and material resources for the research and development of new products.  Years ago, a lot of high potential athletes and sports teams around the world have been sponsored by Nike. The Swoosh logo and trademarks of Just Do It are highly recognized. Nike Nature of the Business NIKE, Inc. is a worldwide marketing which engaged in development and design for footwear, equipment and accessory products. It is approximately 18,000 retail accounts by sells its products in the United States. Nearly 200 countries are through a combination of independent distributors, licensees and subsidiaries. Although a few of the products are worn for leisure purposes, NIKEs athletic footwear products are still in specific designed for athletic use. All equipments for men, women and children have been designed and created by the company. Either is indoor or outdoor activities, NIKE have a good market shoes or clothes such as tennis, golf, football, volleyball, wrestling, aquatic activities, hiking and others. Active sports apparel like most of these categories are sold by NIKE, for athletically lifestyle inspired apparel. Objective of the Nike Nikes main objective is to build up all athletes of every different of level of ability to their potential with advance the products. Indeed, it is to create job chances for provide value in its shareholders apart from the competition. Besides that, their aim also is to maintain the costs down which driven by the intense competition. By the way, a lot of other companies also operate these low-wage countries within the athletics industry according on cost reason. Because of difficulty due to less developed countries, their ability is easily moved to become economically dependent on the corporations. Strategies of Nike There are four main categories of strategies of Nike to continue develop growth in this along the years. They are financial perspective, customer perspective, internal perspective, and learning growth perspective. Financial Perspective Growth strategy Focus on Emerging Markets (i.e. BRIC) Products in new niche activities New customer segments Productivity strategy Increase Asset Utilization : increase employee by 5% Reduce Operational Cost Customer Perspective Maintain Product Leadership Provide high quality innovative products Improve Customer Relationship and Service Launch 250-300 Nike retail outlets in next three years Improve image Nike Community for welfare manufacturing workers Align incentives of workers Internal Perspective Follow Cost Out strategy Reduce marketing spent 11% of revenue only, focus on local sport heroes Integrate New Segments Markets and their attributes with current processes like customer Improve Innovation Cycle With smarter and more intelligent customer feedback mechanisms through e-channels Implement CSR Expand its alliance with other non-profit organizations to work together Learning Growth Perspective Retain and Train key employees Ensure attrition rate is between 2-3% Improve IT Assets Enhance CRM, e-channel, social media platform Invests 2-2.5% Rev in IT Systems Create a customer centric culture Executive team to provide a strong and visionary leadership Targeting Market Nikes targeting market is for those who like the higher quality sporting goods, especially footwear. Therefore, Nike focuses on creating premium consumer experiences on product innovation, brand leadership and elevated retail presence. Nike also target market for their shoes, clothes, and other accessories are males and females, especially among 18 and 35 years old. Nike Company has expanded and dominated in the international market. Size of Nike The size or range of the Nike Company is increases throughout the years. The total number of employees of Nike Company is about 38000 people around the world. In 2009, the company had a net income of around $1.49 billion. They have offices in 45 different countries. Besides that, the number of Nike stores globally is 700 around the world. Types of products sold Nike Company has a wide range of sports equipment. The first products that Nike produce is track running shoes. Besides that, Nike also offers a range of shoes for sports like, tennis, golf, soccer, baseball, football, bicycling, volleyball, cheerleading, hiking and others. They manufacture casual clothes, running clothes, yoga clothes, tennis clothes (dresses and skirts), thongs, socks, caps, aquatic gear, duffel bags, sunglasses, skates, bats, gloves, womens sport bras, ice skates, roller blades, roller skates, protective gear, hockey sticks, hockey jerseys and many more small accessories. Nike Pro Core Compression Nike brand, athletic shoes Nike brand, Tennis(Girls shorts) Services Nike Company has a great service which known as NIKEiD. It is a service that allowing customers to customize the products purchased from Nike. It must be through the online purchased. Besides that, The NIKEiD studios give customers have a great personal experience to work with. For iPhone and iPod Touch was released from the NIKEiD App on the iTunes App Store on 14 October 2009 to allow users to search products. Nike PhotoiD service is by taking picture or image with their mobile and sends to Nike so that new software designed will analyze the image, and then based on it designing a shoe. After that, an image of their desired shoe will be received by the customer. Lastly, they can choose to save the image or purchase the new design. Strengths and weaknesses of Nike Strengths Weaknesses Brand recognition High product quality Effective marketing strategy Capacity of innovation Strong distribution chain Strong RD Strong customer relationship Overseas manufacturing dependency Decreasing United States market share High product price compared to Adidas Currency exposure Medium retail presence Competitors Adidas is the major competitor to Nike Company. Adidas is about to launch a new innovative campaign praising the Team Spirit in sports. Any company that produces athletic footwear or athletic apparel is a competitor to Nike such as Puma, Reebok(now is owned by Adidas), Asics, Under Armour, and so on. However, according to graph below, Nike Company is the best sells compete with others. Financial Model of Nike Since year 1997, Nike Companys revenues had plateaued at around $9 billion. Net income had fallen from almost $800 million to 580 million. However, market share in US athletic shoes had fallen from 48%, in 1997, to 42% in year 2000. It adverse effect of a strong dollar had negatively affected revenue. The management is concerned about the top-line growth and operating performance. To boost revenue, the company would develop more athletic-shoe products in the mod-priced segment- a segment that Nike had overlooked on the recent years. The company has also planned to push its apparel line. The company has planned to exert more effort on the expense control. Long term revenue growth target is 8%-10%. Earnings growth target is 15%.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Aboriginal People of Canada Essay -- Canada
Aboriginal people represent less than 3% of the total population in BC. Yet, they account for more than 9% of all suicides in BC (Chandler). The numbers of suicides amongst aboriginal youth are even more alarming – nearly one-fourth of all youth suicides in BC are committed by aboriginals and more than half of all aboriginal suicides are committed by youth (Chandler). The fact that indigenous communities in Canada have the highest rate of suicide of any culturally identifiable group in the world implies that these alarming statistics may not solely be a result of aboriginal communities belonging to a minority cultural group. I will attempt to build a speculative hypothesis behind the significantly high suicide rates amongst aboriginal youth in Canada. I will do so by turning to three factors that I think are most important amongst the several factors that may be coming together and playing a role in the high vulnerability to suicide amongst aboriginal youth. I believe this is important because the more accurately we identify causal factors that may be responsible for aboriginal suicide, the more specific suicide prevention programs can be made. This pool of factors must include those that are common to all suicidal behaviour, those that are responsible for suicidal behaviour in marginalized communities and those that might be specific to the history and context of aboriginals in Canada. In this commentary I have chosen one factor from each of these three pools of factors – one, the interpersonal-psychological theory to explain suicide in general; two, loss of self-identity, which could be a leading cause for aboriginal suicide worldwide; and three, the impact of residential schools on the psychological makeup of aboriginals of Ca... ...l these communities by providing material, social and emotional support to them. Works Cited Bechtold, D. W. "Indian Adolescent Suicide: Clinical and Developmental Considerations." Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research: Journal of the National Center Monograph 4 (1994): 71-80. Print. Chandler, Michael. "Self & Cultural Continuity as a hedge against youth suicide." university of british columbia, 7 february (2012).presentation. Kirmayer, Laurence, et al. "Suicide Among Aboriginal People in Canada". Ottawa: Aboriginal Healing Foundation, (2007). Joiner, T. E. â€Å"Why people die by suicide. Cambridge.†MA: Harvard University Press (2005). Joiner, Thomas E. et al. â€Å"Main Predictions of the Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicidal Behavior: Empirical Tests in Two Samples of Young Adults.†Journal of abnormal psychology 118.3 (2009): 634–646.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
          The feminist approach of the Stone Carvers allows us to look at Klara’s role as a spinster in a new perspective. It allows us to analyze the role of a woman in the first half of the twentieth century.      A woman’s role in the early twentieth century still revolved around serving the male members of one’s family. Klara was tied to the traditional role of a female. She would have chores as well as having to make supper for her father, grand father and sometimes Eamon. Klara was more independence than the average woman because she was taught two arts by two masters. She could tailor suits, and carve wood. She had two skills that were named to be man’s skills. Her knowledge gave her the power to control what happened in her life. Klara was respected in her town for her skills because they usually came to her to make suits. Eamon acknowledged her skill and asked her to make a red suit. Her knowledge of these skills gave her more independence, freedom and power. She was one of the few female members in her community who had their own income. She had freedom to do what she wanted with her life but she was still restricted by her society because she w as still a woman. Time plays a key part in the role of women. In the late nineteenth century, Klara’s grandmother was an excellent tailor. She tailored suits for all members of the community as well as for Father Gstir. She always referred to herself as a seamstress because she was a woman and at this time period a woman’s skilled was less valued than the skill of a man. The battle for equality between men and women is clearly depicted by Helga. Klara’s mother always stated that she was a tailor rather than a seamstress. She valued her skills greatly and taught Klara to be proud. Klara can carve and tailor, so she had more power than the generations of women before her time.      Klara Becker’s role as a spinster in the novel gives her to have an advantage over other women. As a spinster, society allows her to be a bit eccentric. Taking over the farm after the death of her father and grandfather was considered eccentric for a spinster but madness if it was a widow. This shows that the place of the women in this society is not equal to that of a male.
Sony Corporation :: essays papers
Sony Corporation Than fifty years, â€Å"Sony†, founded by: Honorary Chairman Akio Morita, has been leading the industry in a number of areas. Sony has changed everyone’s life as we know it. From producing batteries to the new wireless networking system, they are number one. Have you ever wondered who produced the system, they are number one. Have you ever wondered who produced the great games you love to play or the MP3 player you got from your husband? From DVD movies, to digital cameras and camcorders, Sony is leading the world into a new frontier. Electronics, games, music, pictures and insurance are just a few of the side products of the billion-dollar company. Sony has four products categories as gateways to the networked world: digital TV’s and set-top boxes, VAIO home-use PCs, mobile devices and the best selling of them all is the Playstation 2 (PS2). With all of the new products like the PS2 and, released their sale were still low. Sony consolidated net sales decreased 1.7% and operating income fell 30.9%. However, on a local currency basic, it as a year in which Sony’s businesses performed well. The PS2 went on sale in 2000 and shipped over two million units in less than three months. The biggest reason for me choosing this company was because of the great products they produce. From Vega’s TV’s to blockbuster motion pictures and all that fall in between, Sony has proven to be a well-rounded company. Sony’s Internet service provider So-Net, which has operated in Japan since 1996, offers some great features like: network-based content and service. In February 2000, Sony established in Japan to conduct marking and sales of Sony products. As a hardware company and a provider of content and services they are number one in many of today’s homes. At the end of march 2000, the market capitalization of Sony Corporation was  ¥13 trillion. This was a big increase form the previous year amount of  ¥4.5 trillion. Income before taxes and net income figures for the year included gains of  ¥58.7 billion and  ¥30.7 billion. Sony’s financial conditions are now strong and remain strong. Total assets increased by  ¥508.1 billion, or 81%, this year. It was estimated that the total assets would have increased by approximately 15% compared with the previous year.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Importance of Moral Science
In today’s rat race values are eroding fast. There is a total decadence in social and moral values. Children go to schools daily thinking how to scale heights they will reach. How rich education can make them. In today’s cut throat competition even the parents instruct their wards that they should top in the class. The parents want their money back for the investments in schools. The criteria for promotion in schools are marks in sciences and social sciences, but not moral science. But childhood is a very impressionable age.The mind is like soft wax, so whatever one is taught at a tender age it leaves a deep impression. Therefore Moral science must be made a compulsory in school curriculum. Isn’t it? It is also a science of human soul; it’s a mirror of one’s inward mind, one’s ethics. Moral science inculcates values in mankind and value education is very vital from childhood. Coming to Values It means estimating any person any object any anim al. How many of us do so? In affluent families if children lose their belongings like a small pencil box or a lunch box they are quickly replaced by their parents.The parents think their little darlings will feel inconvenient without those things. My advice to those parents are let your little feel uncomfortable without their lunch or pencil box , then only they will learn And I promise you, next time they would be careful not to misplace them or even prize them no matter what those cost. Moral science helps every child to learn values. If diamonds were found in plentiful like pebbles on sea shore would we have cared to pick them? School is our ALMA MATER, which means My Mother.Just as a mother instructs her toddlers hoe to value family, schools should preach the pupils HONESTI IS THE BEST POLICY, CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME. Through moral science classes, Children spend so much of their precious time in schools. So schools shoulder the responsibility of imparting moral values to them. T emptations lure us just like the FORBIDDEN FRUIT had seduced Adam. As a result Garden of Eden was confiscated from Adam by God. Our life is also a paradise on Earth.Moral science can channelize us through spiritual crisis â€Å" His goodness shall follow mw always to the end of my days†Moral science protects us from the corrosive influences, else every one of us would someday turn into Dr Faustus. To make the children self-reliant, confident and responsible citizens we have to give them value-based education, which only moral science can do. After all â€Å"Today’s child is tomorrow’s citizen†. Moral science is not a religion-based subject. Rather it eliminates fanaticism, superstition and violence. It preaches LOVE ALL SERVE ALL.This value is lacking in today’s generation. It helps a child to pay heed to his conscience. Not to be led away by worldly show. Theoretical knowledge is not enough. Teachers should make their life exemplary to their stud ents. The lives of great patriots or spiritual leaders must be brought to the forefront Only Moral science can stem the tide of rapid value erosion and motivate the students towards a healthier life. A child is then trained emotionally, mentally, and physically how to be a responsible citizen or a good son or a daughter.They can resist wrong peer pressure intolerance and through right conduct lead forward their nation Who knows among these pupils are tomorrow’s leaders or even a spiritual Guru. With the help of schools , the pressure on the parents is also reduced. Thus to all the schools of the modern days it’s my hearty advice that before preparing a new syllabus for the new term please make Moral science as part of the curriculum. Let the light of spirituality shine through the eyes of the little ones.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Importance of Fresh Water Essay
All living things on Earth need fresh water in order to survive But human beings become ill and may even die if they cannot get pure or clean and are forced to drink polluted water. Human beings can only last 3 day without fresh water. People died of thirst after the cyclone in 1999 because their supply of fresh water from irrigation channels was destroyed form tidal waves. However water is needed for many more purposes e.g. in agriculture and industries, but this water does not need to be fresh. Despite this there are still serious shortages in many countries for the purposes other than drinking. CAUSES FOR SHORTAGE OF WATER 1 The increases in populations, industries and irrigation The growth of population in many countries means that more water is required. The growth of population leads to the need for more goods and food. This leads to the increase in industries and in irrigated farmland. This means more water is required. 2 The pollution of fresh water supplies Even if there is sufficient fresh water in a country it may not all be good for drinking. Many villages in Pakistan depend on wells and rivers for their fresh drinking water. However chemicals used in the fields by farmers pollute some of these drinking water supplies. 3 the problems of the supply of fresh water Problems of the supply of fresh water in both rural and urban areas exist in the countries and in some countries. a) Fresh Water Supplies In Rural Areas In many rural areas in Pakistan and other countries there are no pipes o carry water to people’s homes or to their villages. Women and children may walk a long way each day to get their water. b) Fresh Water Supplies In Urban Areas Many villages have no piped water supply. But there are often serious problems of the supply of water even in urban areas where there are water pipes. This because of lack of distribution and transmission networks, leakages and power failures at pumping stations and because of rampant corruption in KWSB. It is also because hydrant owners continue to defy government regulations. Possible solutions for shortage of water in Pakistan Treatment of sewage It has been suggested that water suitable for industry and agriculture could be provided by treating sewage. However this would require a new and separate network of pipes which would be expensive to construct. Desalination of sea water This suggestion was rejected up to 2004 because of the high cost of building the desalination plants. However, in 2004 plans were announced to build Pakistan’s first desalination plants at Korangi Creek in Karachi and near Port Qasim. Disadvantage of desalination process Even though the desalination process benefits us, it can also harm the environment on the other hand. It cost too much money to pay for the plants. It reduces oxygen levels in the air and results in an increase of the density of any discharged waste water. Its unlimited source of water make more green house gasses so there for more pollution in the atmosphere .It doubles the amount of salt in the ocean’s and impacts on the environment for animals and humans.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Analysis of “The Overachievers†Essay
College application season can be the most stressful period of time for any high school student. The combination of regret for not doing better in school, doubt in your own chances of admission, and the fear of rejection is enough to break even the most stable students. Author Alexandra Robbins, however, realized that the stress of college admission starts well before, as well as lingers well after, the actual application period. Through her observations, she concludes that the current education system is transforming students into GPA-obsessed, narrow-minded beings, and that the stresses of applying to a so-called â€Å"prestigious†university have a multitude of negative side effects. Her first argument concerns how colleges and the entire application system as a whole is systematically turning flesh and blood students into merely sets of numbers. She explains how students nowadays are only concerned about three numbers: their SAT scores, their GPAs, and their class ranks. She goes on to explain that the obsession with these three numbers is causing students to lose sight of what high school is really meant for; getting a sufficient learning experience while preparing oneself for the trials of college life. Instead, high school has become a mad dash for the best chances of being accepted into colleges. This trait is exemplified in AP Frank who, forcefully urged by his mother, took all 17 AP classes Whitman high have to offer, an inconceivable workload that required he skip his lunch period everyday. Going off on a tangent, Robbins also makes a point about the â€Å"no child left behind†policy and severely criticizes it for forcing teachers to focus more on test scores rather than actually teaching. Early in the book, Robbins personifies her aversion to turning students into numbers in the form of college admissions counselors. She believes that this group of people is the epitome of why the application systems are so flawed, and first puts forth this idea by introducing the reader to Julie’s college counselor, Vera. Vera is so obsessed about her personal image and is so convinced that Julie will never be accepted into her dream college based solely on her grades and test scores that she drops Julie as a client. Robbins’ second argument that makes multiple appearances throughout the course of the book is the assertion that the high amounts of stress experiences by high school students today is actually deadly. In the quest to be accepted into a prestigious college, students today take workloads that at times is too much, causing them to mentally snap. In this case, an unimaginable workload is put onto AP Frank by his oppressive mother, which Robbins states is quite common in East Asian countries, but not all the overachievers have had their workload put onto them. Audrey, the perceived â€Å"Perfectionist†doesn’t necessarily have as many reasons to be stressed as some of her classmates, but her mental state of having to do everything perfectly causes her to be under unnecessary stress. For example, it wasn’t mandatory that she spend all of her weekends and free time constructing the perfect bridge for her physics class, but her tendency to always want to be the best made it so. She spent time in which she could have been relaxing or decompressing on working vigorously. The resulting stress has been known to cause student suicide rates to rise around the world. Back at home, Julie also feels the effects as she notices that her hair has begun to fall out. She dismisses it as merely the side effects of her academically demanding life, but what she fails to realize is that stress-induced symptoms are the first signs of serious permanent damage and an increased likelihood that she will one day mentally break. Overall, Robbins points out increasingly detrimental flaws in our current education system, such as turning students into data and burdening them with potentially fatal workloads. She also presents the information in a sense that allows the reader to connect with the students of Whitman High on an emotional level, which, in the long run, better help the reader understand the severity of the situation.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Service Organization
One gets good friends and a good wife by the grace of God! Friendship to sprout and grow properly needs certain favorable situations. However my friendship with my guests of the day for this special brunch happened and developed under strange circumstances. God brought them together and united them in prison; in the barracks; in the common ward! How indeed does destiny work, when it decides to do something for the welfare of an individual! They were all young – more or less of equal age. Like any youngster, they too wished to get rich quickly. Is it possible to become so by doing sundry jobs or working in road-side eateries?No, not at all! So they had the holy beginning of their career by taking to pick-pocketing; then they switched over to chain-snatching; but all efforts proved futile–even house-breaking proved to be of no avail, for they could not attain the reasonable standard of living. They wished to do something fruitful and result-oriented – definitely, f or that, they picked up the latest in the line–stealing cars! Indeed they did brisk business and promptly landed in jail – for identical crimes! Destiny chased them again! Coming and going out of the jail became their routine, and their friendship deepened.But they were waiting for the rare opportunity, when they all would be out of the jail at the same time. Destiny obliged them again! When all of them were out of the jail, they decided, â€Å"The time has arrived for us to strike big! Enough of local cars! †Their eyes fell on a Mercedes car, but their patch of bad luck had just commenced – call it their inexperience or the reverse gear for their luck! The first Mercedes they stole belonged to the Chief Secretary of Home Department.. The police  If they will, they have the ability to recover a stolen needle also.Within four hours of the theft, the Chief Secretary was comfortably seated in the air-conditional comfort of his own car – and o ur friends in the jail-cell, badly beaten and bruised! They went through a quick trial and were promptly awarded three years rigorous imprisonment! It was during this period that I got an opportunity to interact with them. I was the volunteer with a Service Organization, that looked after the mental health of the prison inmates and somehow I took instant liking for these four friends. I am good at teaching spirituality to others, and listening to my counseling, they got an opportunity to think deep!. â€Å"On release from the prison, we should also live like any other citizen of the country by giving up the path of crime†. Of late, they had heard of many such stories of ‘transformation’– A gold-smuggler of international repute in that line for two decades after completing his five year jail sentence, bought a plot of land at Mumbai, and started the legitimate profession of building, buying, and selling residential/commercial flats. He then earned so much m oney within two years that he deeply regretted, â€Å"Why I wasted decades of my life in gold- smuggling! This line is more lucrative than gold-smuggling†, he emphatically opined!Each of the four friends had some ‘hard-earned’ savings securely deposited in a foreign bank, notorious for maintaining the secrecy of its important clientele. They all decided to be businessmen by buying shops in a row in a shopping centre, and engage in different trades! Grocery, Electrical Appliances, Photo Studio and Bakery– the plans to open these four shops were finalized. After establishing the businesses, all of them would marry and lead the respectable life of house-holders. They would lead an ideal life, remain good friends, excellent neighbors, and live like members of one family.They discussed and agreed on several such high ideals of life and living. But they imposed a strict condition on themselves. They will never enter into a day-to- day discussion about business m atters. Exactly after one year, they will review the matter – whether they should continue in business or revert to the old profession! They would pursue that vocation which would be more profit-giving and more happiness-providing! Presently what they decided was: They should live with mutual co-operation. They should remain honest among themselves. But, nobody should interfere in the other’s business dealings!â€Å"How soon would you come again? †the Jail Superintendent asked them good-humouredly, on the day of their release from the jail. â€Å"Respected Sir, let this be our last meeting behind the bars. Thank you for your co-operation. Please bless us,†said the friends in unison. On the day of their release, I had a heart to heart talk with them. I will invite them for a treat, exactly after one year to know about their moral ascendancy, and today’s brunch was the result of that gentleman promise! They walked out to their freedom. They bought four shops in a row, in a suburb of Mumbai.On an auspicious day, Grocery shop of Rex, Electrical Appliances shop of Alex, Photo Studio of Tom and Bakery of Sam were opened. From day one, they did reasonable business. But sometimes, when they recalled the adventures of their past-lives, they felt tempted by their old profession. But, according to the mutual understanding, they had to carry on and push the business-cart, at least for one year. After about a month, Rex thought that Alex was doing brisk business. â€Å"If I continue to live with honest dealings for one year, what if I forget my past expertise! †he feared.â€Å"I must do something to at least maintain the level of that expertise,†he surmised! But, suddenly he remembered about the promise he made to his friends to remain honest for one year! But Rex failed to control his mind! â€Å"I must do something. This is the question of my future†– Rex had arrived at a decision! When Alex was not in h is shop, bidding his time, Rex was on his action plan. A copper wire connected Alex’s electrical meter with that of Rex. He had to drill a small hole through the thick wall separating their shops. He did it so efficiently and the concealed wiring was done so nicely that nobody could notice it.From that instant, Alex owned electrical bill of Rex. â€Å"I now save about fifty dollars a month,†he surmised. He was overjoyed! In the third month, when Sam purchased a second-hand car, it set Alex thinking! He too didn’t want to forget his past skills for his secure future! Sam used to park his car at a particular place. Alex dug a tunnel in his shop and the mouth of the subterraneous passage he created, opened right below the petrol tank of the car. He drilled a hole to the petrol tank and fixed a rubber pipe that brought the petrol directly into the waiting container at his shop.He made perfect arrangements for opening and closing the petrol-donating hole of the tank . As soon as Sam parked his car, Alex profited by a liter of petrol daily – gain of about 75 dollars a month. Alex was happy thus! In the fourth month, when Tom got his new telephone connection, Sam thought on similar lines. He lost no time to react. Keenly intelligent as he was, he quickly fixed the ‘pair’ for his newly acquired ‘instrument’, only through Tom’s authorized telephone connection. Since he had the telephone facility now, he renewed his contacts with some of his old friends at distant cities.Of course, he kept his instrument at a secret and a sound-proof corner that he specially created in his shop for the purpose. In the sixth month, Tom was restless. He felt a sense of insecurity even in his dreams! He felt, â€Å"All my friends are progressing and I am left far behind! †He knew the habit of his gluttonous friend Rex. He used to drink a liter of milk and lots of curd daily. A milkman brought milk for him very early in th e morning at 5†² O clock in a special can. He would keep the can on an elevated stand, press the door bell, and disappear into the darkness. Tom purchased an identical can.Everyday, he used to keep his can ready and one liter of water. He replaced this can with the original can of the milkman by pouring one liter of milk in his can. This he did in seconds! There was visible glow on the countenance of Tomâ€â€of course, by drinking 30 liters of fresh milk a month, at the cost his dear friend Rex! A year rolled by! The time had now arrived for their annual meeting at my house. I had made excellent reparations for the brunch at their request. All of them had made the joint request that I must serve them that tasteless dal and hard wheat cakes, which they used to eat in the jail!They had eaten so much of it, their internal organs could never forget the taste of that prison stuff! I had to make special arrangements by requesting another jail-bird(since released) who was in the co oking department in the prison I initiated their discussion. Who would give the account of his honest living for the last one year? Then, thus spoke Rex, â€Å"Tom is the youngest amongst us. We are all like his elder brothers. Let us hear his honest thoughts. His views– Tom dear, please speak first. †Tom was overwhelmed to hear the loving words of Rex for the trust he enjoyed with his friends! â€Å"Did I cheat such divine friends?†thought Tom, and he could control himself no more! Tears gushed down from his eyes. In an instant, Tom lay prostrate at the feet of Rex. He gave a detailed account of his misdeed, sobbing intermittently. He gave a solemn promise that he would remain honest at all times and at all costs. Looking at the never ending torrent of tears, Rex, Alex, and Sam–all of them confessed to their crimes and unleashed an uncontrollable crying session! Competition in rhythmic crying! Then Tom owned the difficult responsibility of controlling them! I too lent a helping hand to Tom, to console them! Thereafter, they ate the jail-like stuff, like gluttons!From that day onwards, they really commenced living an honest life–The telephone wire was cut; the meter wire was pulled out; the tunnel was filled with sand; the milk remained unadulterated! â€Å"What is there in the life of crime? If you wish to earn money and become prosperous, enter into business activity†, they used to advise their former prison-inmates since released. Yes, Rex, Alex, Tom & Sam are leading an honest life. They are counted amongst the rich businessmen now. They don’t brag about their rags to riches story. They don’t discuss money matters with anyone at all! For, none of them is paying income tax!
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