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Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Dinner With Friends Analysis Essays - Dinner With Friends
Supper With Friends Analysis As a superbly pleasant play, Dinner With Friends conveys to crowds a common circumstance seeing someone during this decade; The circumstance being, separate. Set in a zone of New England, Dinner With Friends shows a troublesome period in two fourty year-old wedded couples, and long time companions lives. The character's ethnic foundation isn't brought into subject during the play, be that as it may, I accepted they were white of European fair. In any case, the jobs could be performed by any race of on-screen characters. This scene contains one of the wedded couples, Tom and Beth. Tom is a legal advisor and a reasonably ?forthright? person. He talks what he feels and keeps no feelings down. Beth, Tom's better half, is a ?free soul.? Beth has no set activity. Her concentration in life is set fundamentally on her craft and her family. The scene where I am breaking down happens toward the finish of act one, scene two. In this scene we have the character Tom, played without anyone else, standing up to my significant other Beth, played by Krista Musser, about a circumstance that occurred before at night. Beth, alongside her kids, ate with the couples closest companions, Gabe and Karen. At the finish of supper Beth educated both Gabe and Karen that her significant other has gone behind her back with another lady. Truth be told, the explanation Tom can't go to the supper, as indicated by Beth, is on the grounds that Tom has a plane flight that night and is to get together with his attendant affairess Nancy. Tom shows up to his and Beth's home late that night; The children are as of now snoozing and Beth is prepared for bed also. Tom, coming in with substantial garments, because of the snow tumbling down outside, enters the couples room. In the wake of coming in Tom gets a virus welcome from Beth alongside an encounter on how he ought not go back and forth however he sees fit the house once the two are authoritatively separated. Tom, in any case, is intrigued about the supper with Gabe and Karen and continues to pose inquiries about the discussion that occurred over the procedure of the of the social gathering. Beth endeavors to influence from the way that she came clean with the other couple about Tom however he can clearly tell that she has done as such and powers her to concede that she did. Tom is profoundly disturbed when he finds that Beth has talked about the circumstance. Their arrangement for letting Gabe and Karen in on the reality was to put them down with the children at home with a sitter and reveal to them both together. After discovering, Tom turns out to be exceptionally intrigued on precisely information disclosed; So starts the scene set for performing. My feelings at the highest point of the scene, as Tom, is one of safeguard. Gabe and Karen are both my companions to. Truth be told, I knew the other couple before I even knew Beth. Krista, as Beth, realizes that I am exceptionally upset by the way that I was not there with her when she ?spilled out? the news. My feelings become an integral factor through the lines ?That's not the point! You have the adventage now!? Krista says, ?What?! I don't!? also, I answer, ?obviously you do! You got to them first! They heard your side of the story first! Obviously they're going to agree with you, it's just regular!? The undeniable envy that Gabe and Karen could look down on me and consider me the ?miscreant? alarms me. So, all in all I turn irate and denounce Krista as plotting againest me. Inevitably the battle transforms into criticism of our two characters. With overwhelming counters to and fro we each attempt to disturb the other to an ever increasing extent. The battle esculates to the end where the fight suddenley takes an unforeseen turn. Krista and I kiss and the battle closes with a wild gaze. At that point as the scene closes when we franticly start to take off eachothers garments. The abhor that has separated us both when powered gives both our characters such enthusiasm. I accept my objective in the scene is to push the female character.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Seminar on Challenges in Human Resource Management in 21st Century Essay Example
Course on Challenges in Human Resource Management in 21st Century Essay Mrinal Jyoti Deka Chandan Kalita Sonam Doloi Barnali Devi Reemamoni Sarma Pranjit Choudhury Presentation Uncertainty and multifaceted nature describe the best difficulties todays world for supervisors at all hierarchical levels. Reacting to shifts in the outer condition requires ever-cautious supervisors. These supervisors must be light-footed themselves so as to adequately advance spryness in their surroundings. Readiness is required in various zones for administrative achievement. These territories remember adaptability for overseeing workers, adaptability in compensating representatives, capacity to deftly design, adaptability in taking care of issues, mechanical dexterity and adaptability in tending to hierarchical legislative issues. Another test in specialist inspiration is the developing assorted variety in the workforce. The multi-social workforce will keep on developing at the both area residential level and a global level. A different workforce results from a worldwide economy. This decent variety mirrors the requirement for supervisors to be progressively adaptable. All features of overseeing individuals must be reconsidered with a more extensive blend of laborers. All occupations not, at this point must be acted in the very same manner, simultaneously, or even in a similar area. Administrators can't llow themselves to be compelled by the past, however rather they should move toward the executives to from an altogether new viewpoint with a completely new workforce. Difficulties OF WORKER MOTIVATION IN 21st CENTURY 1. Imaginative OF TECHNOLOGY: Due to the development of creative innovation, the specialist the individuals who are inexperienced with the innovation think that its hard to play out their employme nts as they don't adjust to this. So by giving legitimate preparing it very well may be made acquainted with the innovation and they will propel to play out their errand. 2. Laborers DIVERSIFICATION: Today’s workforce is a lot of wide. We will compose a custom exposition test on Seminar on Challenges in Human Resource Management in 21st Century explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Seminar on Challenges in Human Resource Management in 21st Century explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Seminar on Challenges in Human Resource Management in 21st Century explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer So association should take profound knowledge about the conduct of the representative and as needs be gadget the systems to spur the specialist is a significant difficulties. 3. Rise OF KNOWLEDGE WORKER: Nowadays the new representatives who have joined association are better instructed, more transporter arranged and moderately less ideologically dedicated. This variety worker looks for all the more significance from their work rather than conventional return of business. Significance of Workers’ Motivation †¢Proper use of human asset: Human asset is of central significance for the accomplishment of any association. It is a wellspring of solidarity and help. HR are the abundance of an association, which can help it in accomplishing its objective. Through legitimate use of human asset the board can get and utilize the aptitude, information, capacity and so on by improvement of abilities, tapping and using them over and over. Henceforth, human asset has become the focal point of consideration of each dynamic association to rouse its laborers. †¢Better hierarchical picture: Enterprises which offer better money related and non-fiscal offices to their representatives have a superior picture among them. Such concerns are fruitful in pulling in better qualified and experienced people. Since, there is a superior labor to advancement customized; the representatives are probably going to join such association. †¢Better mechanical relationship: A great persuasive framework will make work fulfillment among representatives. The work will offer those better assistance conditions and different motivating forces. Appropriate inspiration make an air of certainty among the representative and bosses and heartfelt relationship will make a sound workplace. In this way, inspiration among worker will prompt better mechanical relationship. †¢Acceptability to change: The changing social and modern circumstances will require changes and enhancements in the working of endeavors. Representatives oppose changes inspired by a paranoid fear of an antagonistic impact on their business. Whenever the representatives are given different chances of improvement then they can without much of a stretch adjust to new circumstance. In this manner, inspiration will guarantee the worthiness of new changes by the workers. †¢Reinforcement: It is an extremely ground-breaking persuasive apparatus. It isn't just utilized for inspiring the representatives yet in addition for upgrading authoritative viability. Associations, presently a-days are utilizing different procedure for changing the conduct of association individuals, with the goal that they are occupied with attractive conduct. Step by step instructions to Motivate the Workers A. Money related impetuses: Financial motivating forces are the fiscal prize. As more wages and pay rates, reward, organization paid protection for their presentation. As indicated by Gellemen â€Å"Money is really used to hold great individual in the organization†. Some of such motivating forces are: 1. Reward 2. Free protection 3. Clinical re-imbursement 4. Benefit sharing. B. Non Financial Incentives: Non budgetary motivating forces Full dispatch the higher request requirements for status acknowledgment and conscience in the general public rise. Some non budgetary motivations are: 1. Individuals Mission: Organization should focused on contributing their managers and guaranteeing that they work in protected and reasonable workplace in which everybody furnished with learning and devices to accomplished in their activity and satisfy their potential paying little mind to their age, sex, race, sexual, direction and so on. This strategic individuals with the ability to flourish in a quick moving and testing worldwide condition. 2. Tutoring: It is a program to assist businesses with raising their latent capacity and deal with their vocation viably. This emphatically bolster ability the board activity is to pull in, create and hold the best and empower the better comprehend the taken with the association. 3. Qualities best Approach: This way of thinking centers around shortcoming and gives most noteworthy potential for the exhibition and individual developments are the place worker is generally gifted. This improvement procedure centers around helping representative comprehend their ability, manufactured them in to quality. 4. Ability Management: Managing ability is similarly as significant as drawing in it. Ability the executives centers around advancement and urges worker to look for circumstances which empower them to extend their ability, assemble their quality just as keep them spurred all through. HOW A LEADER CAN MOTIVATES THE WORKER Since 21st century can't be stay static, so the association so it much continually react to dynamic condition. In this circumstance association need a decent administration and commanding worker. Pioneers do nothing more significant than get result. Be that as it may, pioneer can't get result oneself. He have to support representative and the most ideal approach to have others get results isn't by requesting yet inspire them. THE APPROACH ADOPTED BY A LEADER TO MOTIVATE THE WORKER 1. PHYSICAL ACTION: A fundamental component of inspiration isn't about what individuals think or feel yet what they genuinely do. Authority must have faith in him and make a move to finish him the best possible physical activity. . Inspiration DRIVEN BY EMOTION: In any key administration, a pioneer must ensure that individuals have compelling passionate duties towards their objective. A pioneer must settle on a choice so that all the degree of representatives are profited out of it. Effect of laborers inspiration: 1. High Productivity: When the laborers are roused for the fulfillment of their lower and more signific ant level of need, they put in the entirety of their endeavors to fulfill the hierarchical need moreover. This expansion the productivity in hierarchical exercises. 2. Make Suitable Work Environment: Motivation help make an appropriate situation or work culture in an association where laborer can work feel elevated to work for the association objective. Amicable working condition with agreeable unrivaled and subordinate relationship. 3. Consolidate Ability with Willingness: Sometimes laborers gangs the capacity however not ready to play out a Particular undertaking. In this circumstance, Effective Motivation joins the capacity of the laborers with their eagerness to carry out the responsibility and concentrate most extreme out of them.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Rocky Soccer Academy Essays
Rough Soccer Academy Essays Rough Soccer Academy Paper Rough Soccer Academy Paper Contextual investigation: #3 Rocky Soccer Academy Case Assessment Worksheet Using Case Study #3, Complete the Worksheet Provided. Utilize this archive as your configuration. Answer each segment inside the record holding the inquiries to demonstrate your areas. I. Assess Henning’s alternatives for developing Rocky’s client base, including: A. What are Henning’s targets? What assets does he have? Henning’s first target is to have a bigger office constructed increasingly appropriate for soccer preparing. The mindfulness for his program is near 100 percent in Fort Collins however constrained in encompassing urban areas. His subsequent target is to build attention to his program in encompassing urban communities. His third target is to acquire clients in encompassing territories and attempt to hold his present clients who leave the program at fourteen years old and fifteen. His present assets are the 600 children he prepares each year. His subsequent asset is the nature of mentors he has on his staff. His mentors are experienced soccer players who are playing expertly over oceans and playing at the university level. B. What components of shopper conduct may impact his choice? Henning would be affected in his choice by an individual need. Perreault Jr, Cannon, and McCarthy express that individual needs are worried about an individual’s requirement for individual fulfillment. Models incorporate achievement, fun, opportunity, and relaxationâ ¬-just as a craving to improve the world a spot (117). Henning clearly appreciates working with youngsters. His enthusiasm was solid to such an extent that it constrained him to leave his work at the meat pressing plant to encourage soccer full time. With his training a portion of his clients have proceeded to win national titles in the Fort Collins territory. To see his clients discover accomplishment on the soccer field must give him a feeling of fulfillment and achievement. He might need to carry this energy to the encompassing regions, which would prompt full fill a social need. â€Å"Social needs are worried about affection, kinship, status, and regard things that include a person’s communication with others†(Perreault Jr, Cannon, and McCarthy 117). With his clients winning competitions and discovering accomplishment with his instructing they can impart it to loved ones showing the advantages of his training. Henning having achievement in Fort Collins would give him the certainty to enter new markets in the encompassing regions. C. What are the upsides and downsides of every choice? The main alternative is to attempt to build maintenance by creating programs focused at kids more than 14. His masters would be that he as of now has assets set up. The organization picture has a generally excellent notoriety too. Henning’s soccer preparing business is one of only a handful scarcely any organizations giving soccer preparing. The con would be loss of enthusiasm for soccer. Soccer in America is the least mainstream sport in America. Baseball, football, and ball are all the more uncontrollably well known with adolescents. The subsequent choice is to build up an advertising methodology that would urge his present clients to purchase more. The master in getting present clients to purchase more would be client maintenance and more income stream without going into different markets. Henning could concentrate on his present clients. The con would be botched chances in different markets. The third alternative is to attempt to develop the business by entering new markets and gaining new clients in the age scope of 6 to 9 years of age. The star in this choice would be if clients that arrive at the age of fourteen and fifteen lose premium and quit accepting soccer preparing, he would have more youthful children to depend on in new markets. He would likewise have his office and assets set up. The con would be Henning expanding his staff to oversee new clients. The fourth choice is to serve more children from Loveland, Longmont, and Greeley. The genius in choice four is those urban areas are nearer to Fort Collins and the populaces consolidated number 140,000. There are some serious soccer groups and almost no soccer preparing, which implies there is a requirement for soccer preparing. The cons would be the 25 mile good ways from Fort Collins and the likelihood that the populace isn't as energetic about soccer. D. Rank the alternatives from most grounded to most vulnerable and clarify why. Alternative 4 is to serve more children from Loveland, Longmont, and Greeley. It is the most grounded in light of the fact that Henning is as of now serving a couple of children from those zones. The populace consolidated is higher than Fort Collins. Soccer preparing is constrained in the region. He would have more chances to promote his business at soccer occasions in the neighborhood. Alternative 2 is to build up a promoting procedure that would urge his present clients to purchase more. It is the second generally appealing in that he as of now has a solid client base. Item improvement around there could hold clients and pull in new clients. Alternative 1 is to hold kids that arrive at the age of 14 or 15 years. It is a more fragile choice since it concentrates a lot on the more established children and Henning should contend with different games. To keep the more established children keen on soccer would require the games notoriety to increment, however that is troublesome on the grounds that in America ball, baseball, and football are the most well known. Alternative 4 is to develop the business by entering new markets and obtaining new clients that go in age 6 to 9 years of age. This choice is the least alluring in light of the fact that 6 to multi year olds would need to prepare under an alternate program, which would change the entire item. II. Select the two choices you consider the destined to be effective, shield your decision and create showcasing procedure for the two choices. The primary alternative I chose was choice 4. Rough soccer foundation is entrenched in Fort Collins and has an extraordinary notoriety in the network. A large number of its clients from Fort Collins contend locally and everywhere throughout the country. Some have proceeded to win national titles. Incredible training from Henning and his staff has delivered positive outcomes. These components I felt were qualities. In the encompassing zones of Loveland, Longmont, And Greeley there is almost no soccer preparing in the territories. With next to no soccer preparing in the territory, a great open door introduced itself. The populaces consolidated are 140,000. The populace in Fort Collins is 110,000 and around 600 children in that populace get soccer preparing. From the encompassing territories Henning might increase near 600 additional children. If Henning somehow managed to acquire clients from the encompassing zones, it would legitimize building a bigger office. I decided to have the office in Fort Collins. By having the office situated in Fort Collins this could dismiss potential clients, making the area a shortcoming. To make getting Rocky soccer foundation benefits increasingly appealing, Henning could offer a multi week preliminary for nothing out of pocket and a 20 percent rebate for a half year. During the free time for testing Henning can appear with his training staff what separates his organization from different other options. This would be the chance to sell Rocky soccer institutes administrations, which should bring about more clients. The subsequent choice I picked was alternative 2. Henning’s target advertise is present clients. I concluded that he should offer a physical molding program that is custom-made for soccer players to oblige soccer preparing. The additional gear expected to run this new program would legitimize building a bigger office. The bigger office will be worked in Fort Collins. His notoriety and his instructing staff are generally qualities. A shortcoming I saw was the present clients may not see quite a bit of a point in molding. To ease a portion of those worries an uncommon advancement is required. The initial fourteen days of the program would be free, allowing clients a chance to check whether they enhanced the field. For the individuals who decide to participate in the molding program a cost expanded will happen and they will have exceptional benefits like utilization of a hot tub.
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Motivation in the Business World - Free Essay Example
Motivation is the factors that determine the grounds for engagement in a particular behavior by a person or persons. It attached with the beginning, route, the level of involvement and the sustaining at a particular level of behavior of a person. The grounds for a particular behavior may include the determinants which are varying from basic human needs to higher level of social needs. Motivation can be reflected through the energy and commitment of the individual or group to perform a certain task or tasks (Joseph 1989). The employee motivation is a crucial factor for every business at a same or sometimes at a higher level with compared to other businesses. It affects the every aspects of the business. The basic level of the motivation is reflected by the hard working work force. At this stage the productivity will be high and hence the cost of labor per unit will be reduced. However the mere improvements in productivity will not be the single factor that a firm can achieve by motivating its workforce. Motivated employees are performing to a high standard level of performance where favorable impacts over the customer satisfaction and the shareholder value can be gained. The motivated employees are less likely to engage in industrial actions or such other violence actions against the company. The employee conflicts and grievances may lower. Further the motivated employees would work effectively under minimum supervision. They will be enthusiastically learning new things relating to their jobs that would enhance the quality of performance. Building or creating motivated employee force is a difficult task by which a high amount of effort and money are absorbed. More importantly the culture, leadership style and the management style affect the employee motivation. Therefore the motivated employee force is becoming a competitive source to the company. There are various theories that are built regarding employee motivation. Various philosophers have presented various models on employee motivation. Their efforts and numerous case studies on this topic show the importance of the subject matter to the todays business context. This assignment will present an introduction of those theories and the practice of those theories in the todays business environment with relevant case studies. Motivation Theories There are several theories of motivation of various philosophers such as Abraham Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory, Herzbergs Two Factor Theory, Douglas McGregors Theory X and Theory Y, Kurt Lewins Force Field Theory, Victor Vrooms Expectancy Theory, F.W. Taylors Scientific Management, etc. At lower levels of the Maslows hierarchy of Needs theory the monetary benefits are considered to be the motivation factor. At the higher level of the hierarchy factors such as social respect, recognition, sense of belonging and empowerment are powerful than the monetary factor of motivation. Accordingly Maslow suggested that the money is a lowest important factor as a motivator of employees. McGregor has included money in his Theory X category and explained it as a poor motivator and in theory Y category he has placed social recognition and praise suggesting that they are strong motivators other than money. This section of the assignment will present explanations of those important theories o f motivation before understand the practical usage of those theories to generate a motivated workforce (Werther and Davis 1985). Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory This theory composed of two parts; classification of human needs and relating classes to each other. The classes of needs are as follows. The theory explains the order of the fulfilling needs as follows. Person begin from the bottom line of the hierarchy and will try to satisfy the very basic physical needs of hunger, thirsty, shelter, etc. When he has satisfied these needs then they are not motivators further. Hence he moves upward of the hierarchy. Then the person would seek for the safety at work, job security, etc to ensure his survival at workplace. Having ensured that he is safe his curiosity then will search for social needs such as belongingness, love, friendships, etc. the person would seek for colleagues to work with, share information, team work, communication, etc. Then the esteem needs will come forward. This is the need for being praised, given recognition or evaluation for a job well-done. The people normally seek for respect of others while sharing th e happy and sorrow. Self-actualization is the way a person perceives himself. It measured by the extent of success and the amount of challenge of work. There are several problems attached with this model where as it has greater potential to appeal in the business world such as, It is no clear when would be a certain level is considered as satisfied Individuals may respond differently regarding the same need Sometimes individual behavior reflects the reaction for more than one need Model has ignored several conditions such as bearing a low-pay by an employee expecting future benefits Some critics argue that this model explain the behavior of middle-class workers in UK and USA (Forshaw and Korn 2010) Herzbergs Two Factor Theory This is a content theory of motivation whereas the main theory is the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs. Herzberg carried out a research utilizing 200 engineers and accountants. They were asked to memorize the situations when that they felt positive or negative feelings at their job and the reasons there of. According to his findings he presented a two-steps approach to understand employee motivation and satisfaction which are called as Hygiene factors and Motivator factors. There are several factors that can be used to eliminate the unpleasant working conditions at work. These fcators are called a Hygeine factors. These factors may include one or all of the following factors. Working conditions Company policies Administration Quality and the way of supervision Eetent of inter-personal relationships Salaries, wages and other financial benefits The job security The individuals need for personal growth determines the motivaor factors of the particular person. Motivator factors actively create job satisfaction when they exist. If those factors are effective then the individuals performance would be of above-average. The motivator factors may, Opportunity for growth in the job Entrusted responsibility Social status Recognition among others Challenging work Sense of achievement (Stephen 2002) Herzberg model more identical to the Maslows theory yet it focus specially on the higher levels of the hierarchy of needs. The factors in the lower level of the hierarchy are considered as generating dissatisfaction only when they are not met with. Motivator factors are specific to the job itself such as how interesting the work is and how much of responsibility whether it assumes. The hygiene factors are considering the factors that are related to the environment of the job such as the safety working environment and the resources to complete the job assigned. These factors facilitate or able the employees to perform the job rather motivate to do the job with an extra effort and interest. Herzberg identified pay as a Hygiene factor. According to his theory the businesses are required to adopt the democratic approaches to motivate employees. These approaches may include one or more of the followings. Job Enlargement: Employees are given a range of tasks that are in various areas of the business or fields. However these tasks must not assume much responsibility if so the motivation to the tasks would less. Job Enrichment: this assigns the employees with more complex tasks which are attached with the completion of full work unit. The tasks will be of more challenging and interesting. And at the end the employee will feel a sense of achievement. Employee Empowerment: Here the employees are delegated with more power to make decisions on the areas attached to their jobs. The responsibility of the decisions made also to be held by them. (Musselwhite 2004) F.W. Taylors Scientific Management Taylor has formed several assumptions about the human behavior at work base on observations of the research he carried out participating US steelworkers. Man is a rational economic animal who concerned with maximizing his economic growth. People respond as individuals and not as groups. People can be treated as standardized machines Taylor simply described that the motivation factor of people at work is money. He suggested that the pay based on the rates produced by an each worker will induce him to produce more and more to earn more. Further the employees who do not achieve target of a daily production should be paid less in order to induce them to meet daily target. And the employees who exceed the target production should be paid more to induce them to keep that productivity and to motivate others. Accordingly managers job is to tell the employees what to do and the employees target is to complete that and to be paid according to their production (Tripathi 1991) W hen presenting this theory Taylor has ignored that there are many individual differences which would affect the motivator factors of the employees. However his methods were highly implemented by the business world which experienced a higher productivity and lower unit cost. It also gave the beginning kick to the mass production. Workers were unhappy with the Taylors methods since it assigned them with boring, repetitive work that required them to effort greatly to maximize the earnings. The employees were treated as machines and business people redounded employees as the productivity grew. These situations lead many industrial disputes and industrial actions by the workers (Mathis and Jackson 2000). This model is closely related with the autocratic leadership style. Douglas McGregors Theory X and Theory Y This theory presents two extremes of the behavior of people at work as theory X and theory Y. No individual would be necessarily categorized into one category but the whole behaviors will be in between the ends of X and Y. The characteristics of the two categories are as follows. Theory X Workers Theory Y Workers Dislike Work and avoid working as much as possible Who are lackof ambition Willing to be led by someone else than taking risk Highly seek for security and self-survival Managers will have to impose a management system of coercion, control and punishment to achieve the business objectives through such employees Highly interested in working and enjoy it Interested in taking risks and responsibilities Like to try new things and take challenges Work is considered as a source of satisfaction or punishment depending on the working conditions The management would face a challenge of creating a working environment that enable these employees to show their creativity and responsibility Elton Mayo Mayo suggested that employees are not mere considering the money and can be better motivated by giving them the opportunity to meet the social needs of the individuals. This is the Human Relationship Scholl of thought by which the managers are focused on considering more about the peoples relationship aspect understanding the how workers enjoy interactions. Mayos theory based on the extended research carried out in the Hawthorne factory of the Western Electric Company in Chicago. From that research Mayo came into conclusion that employees can be better motivated by; Effective communication among managers and workers Greater manager involvement in employees working life Working in groups or teams Accordingly it is suggested that the greater use of team work, high involvement of managers in the workers working life, and encouraged two way communication would be benefiting the companies. The Mayos theory is more closely running with the paternalistic management style. ( on 03/05/2011) Role of Other Factors It is highly considered that the way of motivating employees is the financial rewards. However there are many other aspects of the scenario that would be considered by the managers and executives to motivate their subordinates. The factors would be different on the individual basis which will need to put more effort into their work. Such factors may include followings. Organization Culture The organizational culture has a direct relationship with the employees performance and level of motivation. If the elements of the culture fit with individuals background, values, beliefs, norms and expectations then the employees are automatically willing to work in the organization. If the corporate culture is built on the teamwork, encouragement, collaboration, evaluation, then the employees is likely to be motivated to put more efforts to bring the organizational objectives accomplished. More often employees seek for their leaders direction and support, and at the same time they look for the collaboration of teammates and co-workers (Werther, Davis, Shwind, Das and Miner 1985). Relationship with Leaders The leadership style can be significantly influence the motivation of employees. The qualities of the leader will determine the extent to which the e employees are contributed to the organization. If the leader is unfair, do not provide clear instructions, and negatively look at the things then the employees will lose their desire to work hard to accomplish the goals. The organizations leaders must communicate with its employees openly so that the employees are clear about the things that they are required to do. (Source:, (Accessed on 01/05/2011) Management Style The organizational culture, the situation and the expectations and personality of the subordinates will determine the suitable style of a manager. The characteristics of the managers style would be of no fit with the changes in the organization and the cultural changes accompanied by that change. As an example in past the authoritarian style of the managers was appreciated with the bureaucratic organizations, but today the interest is more focused on participative or empowered managers who admire the democratic policies of management. Many of the management theories are supporting the that sort of management styles such as Total Quality Management, Management by Objective, employee empowerment, self-managed work teams, etc. A comprehensive review of the management styles and their contribution to motivated work force will be presented below. Management Style Description Contribution to Motivated Work Force Participative Management Share information with employees and participate them in the decision making process Employees are entrusted with the responsibility of running their own departments and determine the appropriate policies and procedures Not suitable to adapted by every organizations and at every levels This is a remedy to the poor morale and low productivity that gain the results very soon to the organization Redistributed power will enhance the willingness to work If the culture supports and if the employees are competent enough then the participation will result in effective decisions and productive operations. Giving the employees recognition as they are important as the mangers and the stakeholders will satisfy their esteem needs. Theory X and Theory Y These theories are based on several assumptions. It explains two extremes of the involvement and utilizing efforts and energy to accomplish tasks by the employees Theory X explains the negative side of the performance and theory Y represents the positive side of the performance Considering the poor performance as the total fault of the employee by Theory X and therefore employees are motivated by the extrinsic rewards such as money, promotion, appraises, etc. The low productivity is considered as the fault of the management. Theory Z It represents the good characteristics of the both Japanese management and the Western management styles. The theory has combined those features of the management at every level of the organizations. The characteristics of this theory included long-term employment, less specialized career path, group decision making, informal control, etc. Concerns the all levels of needs of the employees. Concerning the employee well-being satisfies the physical and security needs of the employees. Team work and group decision making satisfy the social needs Encouragement to take risks and responsibilities will satisfy the higher level of needs such as self-esteem and self-actualization Management By Walking Around Managers can gather as much as possible information regarding the policies, procedures, employee matters, and other work related information Manager can maintain proper relationship with employees so that he would be considered as a counselor or advisor by the employees Leaving decision making responsibility with the employees will achieve the fastest response time Close relationship with manager will let the employees to present their suggestions, complaints and grievances as soon as they occur Self-Managed Work Teams This is a derivation of the employee empowerment The teams will comprise of about 10-15 employees who require minimum supervision Delegates the authority to decide on simple work related aspects such as how to spend money, what work to undertaken, etc Total Quality Management The all functions of the management are integrated to achieve a high quality product Quality is the responsibility of all employees and teamwork The customer satisfaction is highly recognized Recognition is given from CEO to lower level employees to maintain quality Shared commitment to achieve the organizational objectives Encourages employees to grow, learn and participate in the business operations actively Encourages the continuing change and adaptation to the changing environment Management by objective Employees are participated in the establishing goals and objectives Overall organizational objectives are converted into employee objectives Steps are setting goals, participative decision making, implementing plans and performance feedback High involvement of the employees in decision making and goal setting related to their jobs Managers are empowered to implement, control their plans and performance. This motivate the managers to work hard for the company Periodical review of the employees performance will give the employees a sense of completion and will let them know what the areas to be improved more are. This will induce them to take more efforts to achieve the goals established with their participation Employee Empowerment The organization structures are change and the decision making is lapsed with the lowest levels of the organization The objectives of the empowerment is to speed up the decision making and giving solutions to problems regarding the business operations, give employees the opportunity to grow, and to lower organizational cost to managers by assigning them to various other projects Employees will be trained to take high responsibilities and make more accurate, effective decisions quickly A sense of belongingness of the work they are engaged in will generate within the employees They think that the company is their own one and work hard to attain day-to-day work successfully 5387352 definition-employee-motivation.html, (Accessed on 02/05/2011) The managers are obliged to select the suitable style for managing their subordinates and work which is suited to them, their subordinated personalities and general characteristics, the department they are ass igned with and in general to the whole organizational setting and its culture. Management style highly correlated with the level of performance of the employees and outcome of the operations under their control. Managers must be delegated with the certain amount of authority and then their role becomes a nature of a leader. Then he must use suitable leadership traits to motivate and direct their subordinates to achieve the departmental/organizational objectives or outcome (Mathis and Jackson 2000). Reward System A properly designed reward system must be there in the organization by which the employees can attain such benefits. Employees must have the confidence that they can be rewarded with established performance criteria of the job. Further the rewards must be fairly distributed so that the employees can clearly identified that there is no any discrepancy over them. If the rewards are based on the performance evaluation procedure then all processes may transparent and the employees must clearly see that the evaluations are put on regularly and fairly (Joseph 1989) Job Title The job title will give the respective employee an idea about his role within the company, the extent to which he can contribute the accomplishment of organizational objectives. When the employees are aware about their importance to the organization they are automatically motivated to work hard to make their job effective (Deming 1986) Monetary Benefits Whether the money is being derecognized as a positive motivator it has proven to be more effective in practice. Selecting the right remuneration package for the employees is a challenge for nowadays. A number of ways are in use to motivate employees over their work such as; Time-rate pay Peace-rate pay Performance related pay Shares and share options Bonuses Commissions Pension There are several aspects of money to be an important motivator such as; Pay helps to satisfy many other needs of person such as esteem needs, safety needs, etc It is an important cost to the company It helps to attract competent employees It helps to retain skilled and competent employees It is subjected to various legislations such as National Minimum Wage (Cherrington 1994) Motivation in Practice Case Examples The Tesco Plc The UK giant retailer, Tesco Plc has provided its large workforce to join the company as prospective shareholders. Staff is enabled to be a part of the Tescos profit by share allocation based on their performance. The number of shares allocated to each employee is determined by the number of days worked in an each period. The Department of Education The UK Departmental Education Sector is in the view that the teachers pay must be linked to their performance. In 2002 the British government introduces a performance based bonus scheme to give rise to the teachers pay and to retain the existing staff and to attract new staff to the teaching sector. Nuclear Decommissioning Authority The NDA has utilized many theoretical perspectives of the employee motivation to motivate its employees. The NDA Way shows that several phenomena which is based on the fulfillment of Maslows Hierarchy of Needs as follows. Always acting safely and responsibly Building talent and teams Challenging themselves Learning from experience Being open and transparent Confronting problems Delivering whet they promised The NDA implemented the strategies like job enrichment, job enlargement, and job rotation, empowerment to effectively affect the employees motivation to carry out the organizational objectives effectively and efficiently. Its focus was to ensure that the employees are acquiring a range of skills and proficiency making the work is more interesting and challenging. Further the company introduced the flexibility into the workforce. The NDA involved in wide range of projects which are each project is of a unique challenge. Hence the authority required peop le with flexible people to work in teams and willing to learn continually and to take responsibility. Their team work and relationships were based on the Mayos Human Relations School of motivation. The NDA build relationships on a win-win basis. The staff encouraged to build necessary skills and competencies to adapt the variety of the work involved by the authority. The employees are delegated with Personal Development plans with SMART objectives and provide the path to professional development as well. Conclusion Motivation is crucial factor of the success of the organization these days. There are various theories have been presented by various philosophers regarding the motivation of employees. Management, leadership, and organizational culture are key determinants among the factors affecting employee motivation. Every job has the probability of motivation or demotivation the employee. Motivation affects the every aspects of the business and strongly affects the level of productivity. Whether some philosophers have considered money as a low motivator it has a high influence of persons life and hence still it is valid as motivator. The reward system, job title, periodical performance reviews can also be considered as motivators. Many organizations have adapted the teachings of theories like Mayo, McGregor to create a motivated employee force. A motivated employee force would benefit the company by lowering the unit cost, high productivity, maintaining quality, etc. the motivation is s imply the work harder to accomplish the organizational goals effectively and efficiently by its workforce. Only a motivated workforce will be able to bring the organization to a successful position in the todays dynamic competitive market environment.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
What Is Causing America s Academic Shortcomings Essay
Nevin Johnson Chuck Justin English 21 November 2016 What is Causing America’s Academic Shortcomings? Since the beginning of global standardized testing, American students have been less than impressive. Numerous other countries consistently score higher than students in the United States. While comparing the test scores from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), two major cross-national studies of students’ scholastic performance, it is true that the United States is nowhere near the top, and is instead merely mediocre. An exhaustive list of reasons could be compiled in attempting to explain this phenomenon, but at its core the problem is not that complicated. The prominent issues that cause American students to lag behind are a result of the nation’s multiple separate education systems, parenting, the curriculum or specifically how it is taught. In America, the education system is not singular. All education systems in the United States are loosely regulated under the same federal rules; however, the federal government does not run the school districts. Instead, districts are operated by individual states, plus the District of Columbia (Rosales). This means some states preform exceptionally while others preform excessively bad. This misconstrues the way that the states are being compared to other countries of the world because comparing U.S. results to the rest of the world is essentiallyShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Effects of Single Parenting on the Family2540 Words  | 11 Pagesresults in lower achievements in academics and other areas of life (McLanahan). In this paper, I will give an overall view of the life of a single parent including problems they face and the effects it has on the family. Single-parent families are on the rise and they are becoming as common as the nuclear family, which consist of a father, mother, and children. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What Is the Importance of Public Administration in Ghana
Structure of the new local government system The new local government system is made up of a regional coordinating council (RCC) and a four-tier metropolitan and three-tier municipal/DAs structure. Composition of structure The RCC consists of the regional minister as chairman and his deputies, the presiding member of each DA and the district chief executive of each district in the region, two chiefs from the regional house of chiefs and the decentralized ministries without voting rights. A DA consists of the district chief executive, two thirds of the members directly elected by universal adult suffrage, the members of parliament (MPs) representing constituencies within the district, and not less than 30% of the members appointed by†¦show more content†¦Functions of the assemblies These are deliberative, legislative and executive. Section 10(3) of Act 462 lists them as follows: a) be responsible for the overall development of the district and shall ensure the preparation and submission through the regional coordinating council for approval of the development plan to the commission and budget to minister of finance for the district b) formulate and execute plans, programmes and strategies for the effective mobilization of the resources necessary for the overall development of the district c) promote and support productive activity and social development in the district and remove any obstacles to initiative and development d) initiate programmes for the development of basic infrastructure and provide municipal works and services in the district e) be responsible for the development, improvement and management of human settlements and the environment in the district f) in cooperation with appropriate national and local security agencies, be responsible for the maintenance of security and public safety in the district g) ensure ready access to the courts and public tribunals in the district for the promotion of justice h) initiate, sponsor or carry out such studies as may be necessary for the discharge of any of the functions conferred by this Law or any other enactment performShow MoreRelatedAn Assessment of the Contributions and Challenges of Ghana Revenue Authority (Domestic Tax Revenue Division) Toward Revenue Mobilization. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Who is to Blame for the Death of Eva Smith Essay Example For Students
Who is to Blame for the Death of Eva Smith Essay An Inspector Calls, by J.B. Priestly, tells the story (in a form of a play), of a young girl, Eva Smith. Who, has a chain of unfortunate luck brought on by one family, results in her death. The story in more depth tells us, the audience, to think about others, and the way we treat them. And the responsibilities we should take upon ourselves for our actions. In addition, how we can look down on others. With the warning that without thinking of others, and maybe acting too much on impulse, you could do more harm than you once intended. In my essay, I will try to examine who actually was to blame for the death of Eva Smith. The story begins when the mysterious Inspector Goole calls on the Birlings. Once the inspector explains about Eva, the story shatters the foundations of the family and makes us question, individually, their conscience. It is important to remember that no member of the family is legally responsible for Evas death, it simply a moral responsibility. Arthur Birling was the first to be questioned under the inspector. Arthur was Evas employer. However, after a dispute about low wages, in which Eva was the leader of the protest, she was fired due to Arthurs disapproval of this out burst. Arthur seemed put-out and annoyed that the inspector dared to question him. I consider this uncalled-for and officious. Ive half a mind to report you. However, all Arthur cared about was the fact that the families reputation or status would be frowned upon if word got out of this incident. Most important to Arthur was the chance of knighthood would escape from his grip, if word got out. In addition, we can see that our full would blame almost anyone Instead of himself. Youre the one I blame for this. (This was said to Eric Birling). If we were all responsible for everything that happened to everybody wed had anything to do with it be awkward. Here we see again Arthur trying to escape from the blame. Rather than facing up to the consequences of what happened when he fired Eva Smith. Sybil Birling is the wife of Arthur Birling; she too like the rest of the family was questioned by the inspector. Sybil is the head of an organisation, which helps distressed women by providing them with financial aid an accommodation. Sybil took a disliking to Eva Smith, after Eva lied, saying her name was Birling. Sybil refused to grant Eva any help. Sybil is reluctant show feelings, or to get herself too involved. And she has her own way of cooperating with the Inspector; it is as if to say I have nothing to be ashamed of. Unlike the other three, I did nothing I am ashamed of or that will not bear investigation.. I did my duty. Sybil Seems like she grew up have high standards. As well as that, everyone is lower than she is, and he or she does not have the right to contradict her. I told him quite plainly that I thought I had done no more than my duty. She is extremely posh-We can tell by the way she speaks and acts to others, as well as proud and smug. I was the only one who didnt give in to him. Shelia Birling was responsible for getting Eva fired. Shelia placed it in placed a complaint after Eva had sniggered at her as she tried on a garment. Shelia It is more emotional when confronted by the inspector as well as when the others are confronted. We see Shelias Character changes from a selfish little spoiled child to a more moral figure. These girls arent cheap labour- theyre people. Moreover, when the guilt really sets in we can see the turning point. If shed been some miserable plain little creature, I dont suppose Id have done it.. I couldnt be sorry for. .u906516a1af75b67530ed7dfb18f01155 , .u906516a1af75b67530ed7dfb18f01155 .postImageUrl , .u906516a1af75b67530ed7dfb18f01155 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u906516a1af75b67530ed7dfb18f01155 , .u906516a1af75b67530ed7dfb18f01155:hover , .u906516a1af75b67530ed7dfb18f01155:visited , .u906516a1af75b67530ed7dfb18f01155:active { border:0!important; } .u906516a1af75b67530ed7dfb18f01155 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u906516a1af75b67530ed7dfb18f01155 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u906516a1af75b67530ed7dfb18f01155:active , .u906516a1af75b67530ed7dfb18f01155:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u906516a1af75b67530ed7dfb18f01155 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u906516a1af75b67530ed7dfb18f01155 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u906516a1af75b67530ed7dfb18f01155 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u906516a1af75b67530ed7dfb18f01155 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u906516a1af75b67530ed7dfb18f01155:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u906516a1af75b67530ed7dfb18f01155 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u906516a1af75b67530ed7dfb18f01155 .u906516a1af75b67530ed7dfb18f01155-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u906516a1af75b67530ed7dfb18f01155:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Blood Brothers written by Willy Russell EssayWith these feelings of guilt, she dumps Gerald. This yet again is an act on impulse and could suggest to us, the audience, that she will find it hard to change her ways and stop acting on impulse. And is almost not her fault for acting on impulse, as that is the way she has been bought up. Shelia is very weary about the inspector. However, at the same time she wants to be involved with the investigations to see who is to blame, and if they are learning from their mistakes. Shelia is probably the most sympathetic member of the group we see how she constantly feel sorry for Eva. Eric Birling is the son off Sybil and Arthur Birling. Known to Eric as Daisy Renton, they had a casual affair. They neither loved one another. I wasnt in love with her or anything- but I liked her-She was pretty and a good sport. It was purely a sexual relationship. Unexpectedly she fell pregnant with his child. Eric stole money from his fathers business, where Eva had once worked, to keep her going. I was in a hell of a state about it. Eric seems to be very nervous when talking to the inspector. He relies on drink to see him through as he confesses. By this, we can see how guilty he feels. Moreover, how he knows he did something wrong. We can see as he confesses and with an outburst at Sybil, how he regrets You lot maybe letting yourselves out nicely, but I cant. Nor can mother. We did her in alright. Like his sister treating Eva the way he did. Not only does he has to confess and demonstrate his guilt and regret but has to face up with the fact that he stole money from his father. Eric, unlike the others, does seem quite rude by the way that he speaks to his family at the dinner table. He also seems to drink a lot, even before he confesses it is as if it is constantly playing on his mind. Gerald Croft is the prosperous charming young man, whom is going to marry Shelia Birling. Gerald met Eva at a bar. They had an affair while he was meant to be courting with Shelia. Eva accepts the relationship has to end. Eva had admitted to Gerald that he had made her happier than anything else had before. I didnt feel about her as she felt about me. Gerald remains calm all the way through the inspectors interrogation. Gerald is the one who figures out that they had been fooled by the inspector. The family accepts Gerald. He is well loved. In addition, is like the son they always wanted, instead of Eric who they see as irresponsible. In conclusion I think it is unfair to put the blame on specific person for the death of Eva Smith. After all there is no legal blame only moral blame. For this I think you can not even blame the whole family or even one person from the family, it is society that the blame should be placed upon. In those times (when the story is set) it was quite normal to treat people the way the Birlings individually treated Eva. It is also interesting to see how the younger members of the family (e.g. Eric and Shelia) are willing to admit to the selfish ways they treated Eva. But more importantly how the younger members, of the family, are willing to learn from their mistakes and therefore change. While the older members of the family remain stubborn and unwilling to admit how poorly they treated Eva, and therefore how they will never change and learn from their mistakes. This is because the older members of the family are set in their ways. .u88b4ebb77a904f3c748ca3e9a8e9627e , .u88b4ebb77a904f3c748ca3e9a8e9627e .postImageUrl , .u88b4ebb77a904f3c748ca3e9a8e9627e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u88b4ebb77a904f3c748ca3e9a8e9627e , .u88b4ebb77a904f3c748ca3e9a8e9627e:hover , .u88b4ebb77a904f3c748ca3e9a8e9627e:visited , .u88b4ebb77a904f3c748ca3e9a8e9627e:active { border:0!important; } .u88b4ebb77a904f3c748ca3e9a8e9627e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u88b4ebb77a904f3c748ca3e9a8e9627e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u88b4ebb77a904f3c748ca3e9a8e9627e:active , .u88b4ebb77a904f3c748ca3e9a8e9627e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u88b4ebb77a904f3c748ca3e9a8e9627e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u88b4ebb77a904f3c748ca3e9a8e9627e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u88b4ebb77a904f3c748ca3e9a8e9627e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u88b4ebb77a904f3c748ca3e9a8e9627e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u88b4ebb77a904f3c748ca3e9a8e9627e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u88b4ebb77a904f3c748ca3e9a8e9627e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u88b4ebb77a904f3c748ca3e9a8e9627e .u88b4ebb77a904f3c748ca3e9a8e9627e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u88b4ebb77a904f3c748ca3e9a8e9627e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Character Analysis of Sheila in An Inspector Calls EssayI think when we look at Eva and the Birlings, specifically; they were to blame for her death. This is because the entire incidents caused by the Birlings did cause a strong chain which built up to the death of Eva. With out the first incident of which Arthur Birling fired Eva no other incidents would have happened. It was almost like fait bought each event on, one after the other. So specifically I think the Birlings were to blame for Evas death. But it was the affect of society on the Birlings and on Eva as that is the way different classes were allowed to treat one another. Eva was obviously affected by her unfortunate luck which just so happened to be bought on by one particular family. This unfortunate luck, I think, did drive Eva to suicide. Therefore the moral blame should be placed upon the Birlings but more so on society.
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